help!!! advise needed for white widow plant


Active Member
Hi All,

Just wondering if you could offer a friend of mine some advise about a plant he is growing in his attic. Its a white widow and 7 weeks into flower, plant was growing fine for afew weeks then we had afew nights of really cold weather which he thinks may have shocked the plant, he now has sorted out heating up there so the temperature does not fall below 19c at night but the plant has stopped producing bud and is now just producing more leafs.

is this shock due to the cold temperatre? or could it be something else? and if it shock will it recover and is there any way of helping to recover quickly?



Well-Known Member
My plant did the same thing once it got cold. I have no idea what to do about it though other then to keep the temp in order.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
plus did you give it grow ferts with high nitrogen,when it should only have a bloom fert for flowering,to much nitrogen will cause the plant to keep growing and not make dense buds,temps should be 65degees at night 80 in the day


Active Member
Plant was grown from seed 8 weeks in veg(18/6) the plants were then turned to 12/12 on the 17th october.