HELP! Airy buds, focused on growing hairs and not buds???? WTF


Active Member
DSCN0422[1].jpgDSCN0423[1].jpgDSCN0424[1].jpgDSCN0425[1].jpgDSCN0426[1].jpgI have never heard of this so I am stumped. This is White Lightning... came from a feminized seed. Good genetics. So it is obviously something I am doing or did....

I don't really have time to go into detail because I am being rushed today... but does anyone know what this could be caused by?

My guess is it is an abundance of one specific chemical which focus' strictly on hair growth... I did do a flush. I use DynaGro Bloom for flower... and all DynaGro products... this is ONE single plant... (by itself... not with the rest of the grow). It has it's own 150 watt HPS along with 7 20 watt cfl's.


I provided pictures so people would be more willing to help me out. I really hope someone has an idea!!!!


Well-Known Member
looks like your overfeeding it nutrients... try giving it some water with some epsom salts... Looks like it has a pretty small main stalk... how big are your containers?


Active Member
This one is just in a 5 gallon. It does have a small main stalk. I don't expect a very big harvest... But I sure didn't expect this. I did cut back on nutes. Gave it a flush and will be doing half of what I was doing. Do I just add the epson to my water? How much?


Active Member
Avoid looking at that second picture. I didn't realize it was so horrible. It fucked my eyes up looking at it, so take my advice and save your eyes the pain!!!


Active Member
She has been in flower for about 6 weeks. I still have clear trics... no amber at all... so they still have some time I think. I am hoping this isn't just going to be what I harvest but it is getting so close I'm just not sure what to do!! I know I have to do my final flushes and I do three days of dark as well...


Well-Known Member
epsom salt is magnesium sulfate.. it is for when your leaves are bending and mishapen with purpling of stems.. signs of magnesium deficiency... the salts supposedly help the plants nutrient uptake. i believe its 1 tablespoon per gallon... i don't think it will do much at this point... your plants do look thirsty though


Active Member
Can't say for certain.. airy buds are oft a sign of too much heat too often.

She doesn't look real happy.. the leaves look a bit burned around the edges,,,, Likely culrpits, PH and heat.. get those CFL's righ on top of each of those bud sites.. you know, the usual,..


Active Member
Thanks for the suggestions!! It did have a spout with some heat :/ That's got to me more than irony. So that explains some of it. Ph is good... CFL's are on top of them... I just moved them to get a good picture lol...

She's not happy. I gave her a horrible life. She deserved better... but whatdya do? lol... Live and learn... thanks man!


Active Member
Always kept around 80. (never above 82)... I did have ONE bad night where I burned up a plant in the same room. A "ghost" turned on my heat (kept it in the corner "just in case" because of where my grow is located...). Obviously... something happened. Look through my posts and you'll see the damage. It was bad.


Well-Known Member
Some buds are just airy... If your smoking, then enjoy... If your selling, someone will always buy it. Either way life happens - wouldn't sweat it.


Well-Known Member
Foxtails!!!! Usually a genetic attribute, you may have gotten a freak or a mutant if it is extremely uncommon with the particular strain.


Well-Known Member
probably because it's only so far along. looks pretty normal to me, wait 4 more weeks and you'll see what i mean. looks like youve got some water and/or heat problems too. more pistils usually means stronger genetics, cause they have hogher chances of catching pollen;-)