Help and advice needed, yellowing in the bottom leaves, also check what a house fly did to my seedlings


Well-Known Member
yellow leaves on the bottom of the seedling, i planted another seed from the same bag in the same soil and it is not having issues, same distance from the light as the other one, they are in shit soil from a landscaping raw materials company i doubt it is A grade, i am in the process of getting all the ingredients for subcools organic super soil....

i also had no perlite when i planted these seeds so there is little air flow compared to the latest batch i did with 10 new seedlings.

you can see in the photos that there is a crusty dead looking bit on 2 leaves, that is not what i need help with! i am just wanting opinions on the bottom yellowing leaves.

i am also using shitty town water and have not measured it for its PH or EC but need to get paid to get supplies, as i said in my journal this is the start would love a few subbies to follow me as im in for the long haul of growing my own personal use cannabis only, because i dont believe i should be buying shitty PGR hydro for top dollar and making myself sick or unhealthy and not enjoying myself.

the crusty dead patches on them leaves was actually house fly, he landed on my plant and i checked back half hour later and he had spewed and shit on the leaves and was still sitting in his own waste. dirty dog, never will i leave a fly on my plants again lol! they can do some serious damage to seedlings as you can see.

im in the process of building my own wooden grow room that can be torn down like a grow tent and will be posting a DIY guide inside of my journal and in the appropiate thread for anyone interesed in a grow room that will last a life time and only cost a little more then a tent of the same size, dimensions are
170ish cm tall,
137cm wide,
220cm long sorry to anyone using inches. google to translate or the translation is in my grow journal if you are lazy on the first page.

My grow journal


This leaf is where the fly landed and spewed his guts all over my seedling, its totally dead and crusty i dont know how the tip of the leaf is doing so well lol


#2 fly spew


#3 from above the plant.


#4 this is the yellowing, either from deficiency, bad water, bad soil with not much aeration, or the LED 6400k 40 watt bulb being to close...


#5 the other side of the plants bottom leaf with the yellowing..
I am going to town today and going to get some thrive nitrogen, am going to dose this plant and see what happens..


  • thrive.jpg
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well, there's a first time for everything.

you're probably too late on trying to use subcool's super soil because you have to get all the ingredients mixed into the soil, then let it sit for a couple months. otherwise it won't work. that's the part that he left out of the recipe, but he does mention the time frame many times in his videos. hard part is you have to watch a bunch of gibberish to get the good stuff. at least now you know.
Woah... you said house fly vomit did this?? Ahhhh, skeptical but interested, I'm gonna google that...
And if you care for my two cents, I say it's gonna be a while before you have everything you need for a super soil. You should put those plants in some quality bagged soil in the meantime.
well, there's a first time for everything.

you're probably too late on trying to use subcool's super soil because you have to get all the ingredients mixed into the soil, then let it sit for a couple months. otherwise it won't work. that's the part that he left out of the recipe, but he does mention the time frame many times in his videos. hard part is you have to watch a bunch of gibberish to get the good stuff. at least now you know.
Hey polish pollack, i am thinking i am going to let it cook for a max of 7 - 10 days as maybe just put half the pot of soil and perlite and the bottom half the full strength super soil and hopefully the plant can choose to go down into the strong stuff as it pleases which should give it a total of maybe 30 days of cooking if im lucky, i dont use a crazy amount of smoko i need like 4 ounces so im not to worried about hitting really good goals, 4 oz will last me 1.5 years so im sure it will be okay... Thats just my thinking, love hearing your thoughts but, but thats my current thought train.. much love thanks for the reply. i will definitely check out the videos and try find the diamonds amongst the coal. <3
Woah... you said house fly vomit did this?? Ahhhh, skeptical but interested, I'm gonna google that...
And if you care for my two cents, I say it's gonna be a while before you have everything you need for a super soil. You should put those plants in some quality bagged soil in the meantime.
yeah critter time i swear on my life, i went in, seen a big black regular house fly just perched on my plant, showed my partner, and come back like 1 hour later blazed as and said that motherf**ker took a massive dump and spewed his guts up on a couple of leaves, was like a dark coloured water droplets or gooey looking vomit or fly poo, and i didnt bother washing it off because i didnt feel like it, i thought i would just wash it another day, i went to wash it wish water and rubbed the leaves between my hands and felt they were dead and crusty on the affected areas, but all is good, i have all the time in the world to get my seedlings strong and room setup and will be up and running in 2 or 3 weeks.

like i said to polishpollack i explained my current thoughts on the situation regarding soil let me know what you think, i would love you guys to follow my grow and see if i can pull it off. <3 join me on the journey peepz