Help! bottom leaves are turning yellow


Active Member
This is my first time growing and the bottom leaves are turning yellow. Not the first set that naturally dies off but the next set. I have heard not to clip these because they are important in the flowering process. Can someone please tell me what I should be doing?


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem... when i was only watering without nutes the two bottom sets of fan leaves(not the very very bottom leaves but the ones above those) decided that they would begin turning yellow starting at the tips of the leaves.. after researching about my problem on this site i thought, "hey i bet the plants are just lacking nutrients they need to grow.". I went out and bought Vigiro All-Purpose Plant Food hoping it would turn my plants health around for the better. Since this was my first grow I didnt know that after fertilizing I was supposed to water down the soil really good, which in reaction to what I did caused all my plants to wilt as if they were dying! I consulted with a fellow-gardener and was told to flush out my soil(run constant water through the pot) and let all the water drain out.. once that was done I kept myself from watering them for 2 days and constantly left my fan on medium to let the soil dry out. After doing so.. they all appeared to be coming back to life. HAHA If only it was really that easy! well i waited a week, fertilized, soaked the soil well but not too much and let em sit for a couple days so the soil could dry out a little again. Problem was.. even though i used a plant food that contained 24% Nitrogen the leaves contiued to turn yellow and get worse every 2 or 3 days! Eventually 2 of my Silver Haze plants died and as they got closer to bad health all the leaves on the plant began turning yellow. After about another week another one of my plants wilted bad and dried up causing it to die as well! I have 1 plant left out of the 4 I had growing. I just went out and bought MG Organic Blood Meal which contains 12% Nitrogen and nothing else so I'll be back to post up the progress in a day or two! I also thought maybe it was the lighting system I have set-up so I've been doing a crazy amount of research on the differences(advantages/disadvantages) of using High Pressure Sodium, Metal Halide or Flourescents. But who knows... I'll b back


Well-Known Member
check PH... BUT i think you were right on the ferts.. but wrong on the dose.. if they are just requesting nirto you cant go give them a full dose of 24%.. you should have 1/4 dosed that at best.. to be careful.. you can alwasy add more but you it's harder to take away.. the 12% will be good i think BUT.. still start 1/4 strength.. Always ease in and observe..