Help! Bought used rosin press it work once and can’t find any info!

I bought this and it worked once then seemed to have lost all power.


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You pulled out that emergency stop button and checked for onboard fuses or a reset button? Just run down the simple stuff first.
I pull the emergency stop button. Everything turned on and did one run. The all power seemed to stop. The light on the switch went out as well. I look for some fuses but everything seems good
Except I found these blue things popped out and little black beads went everywhere


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I think those blue things are air filters? You do mean the ones hooked to the block with the air lines right?
The others are for the heating elements I'm guessing with that kind of wire insulation on them. and you can check the voltage against what is written on them.

I'm not an electronics repairman either. I'm a commercial electrician, but that isn't a office building:)
Thank you for the help!

I believe they are air filters as well.But that would mean that air would be sucked in? I wonder why they blew out of place or maybe were knocked off? I had to thread them back in.
Yes that valve block with the air hoses has the only signs that something is wrong.
I’ll try to get some more pictures too.

It just seems to have lost all power like a dead battery in a car.

Definitely would be a good size office for ants though haha
I didn’t see a max psi but my compressor was only at like 70 psi when it happened. I guess I made the rookie mistake of not being sure. The one I found online said his did 150 psi so I thought I’d be fine
Oh boy. The blue things are most likely mufflers or silencers for pressure release and purge. Assembly is an electric solenoid actuated valve body. Sounds like it was over pressurized or a valve seized and vented full pressure directly out a low PSI exhaust. Get qualified help. Nice system. But pricey if clueless so to speak.
That’s exactly what happened now that you say that. It definitely vented at full release. I’m not sure what I did wrong. The canisters on the side said max 150 psi and I know it was not that high. I got it from a friend with no info. Out here in hawaii no one is qualified lol.

I’d really like to get this thing going. It’s nearly impossible to even get something like this shipped out here. Especially with Covid. Could I just replace the valve? If the valve malfunctioned that would make sense. Valve on my car seize up all the time from the air and my friend had this sitting for four months