help brown coloring on leavs!


Active Member
ok so i got up today and checked on my plant and BAM! i saw some brown coloring going on!!! and i have no clue why! so if any one could tell me what its frome then that would be really helpfull to me,also if i start to flower right now how big would the plant estamated size be? and what would the estamated yeiled be? i cant have a huge ass plant so im watching closely when to start to flower it , and sorry if the pics suck i only have a webcam at the moment,ALL ADVICE IS WELCOME! :peace:



New Member
They look like clones to me . I would wait until they have adapted better before I would consider flowering them. They are just babies still :|


Active Member
naw it isnt a clone i grew it frome seed,but idk if i can wait longer cuz in about a mounth or alil more i have to go on a vacation with some family and i have no way of treating them when im gone,thats why i wanna know the yeiled i can get frome these if i start to flower now,and also why is there brown coloring on some of the leavs?


Active Member
the brown can be from a couple of things, lack of nutrients or to much. to much light on it but that would cause the top to brown to. make sure your p.h level is not to high or to low that will cause it sometimes to. The thing about flowering them is if they are not mature enough you wont get the same quality as if you let them go for a little longer or the same yield from them. I am not sure if works the same way but if you use a pvc pipe and drill little holes in it and stick it in the ground next to your plant it will take the water in as i needs it. Heard from an old timer bout that trick. Have not tried it yet though.