Help! buds not fattening?


Well-Known Member
I flipped to flower on 2-7-2020
just completed week 6 of flower and i cant tell if my buds are growing at normal pace or something is wrong?
I feel like for this stage they should be more connected but looks like i have a lot of gaps in between the flowers.
is this normal?
I was told this is San Fernando OG strain " got 8 clones from a friend "
On 3.12.2020 i did some good amount of trimming to expose more of the mid buds to light and after that they started not to eat as much as they where eating before.
** currently they are consuming about 50 to 80ppm ( on a 500 scale) per day and my ph was dropping daily by about .1 , last 2 days ph stabilized and actually went up by .1 today to 6.0

50-80 a day on 500 scale is a lot imo. I'd be raising nutrient if mine were dropping that much.

Otherwise all looks good.
If you flipped on feb 7th, you're only about 4 weeks in. Probably not quite halfway there so you have plenty of time for them to fill out still.
So basically the 1st 2weeks dont count? cause i was starting to worry that they wont fill up and become nice big buds.
U guys count the 8 to 9 weeks of flowering from the 2 weeks after u guys flip it ?
Ok thank you both for your help, i was starting to worry and now im a little more less panicked lol. Its my 1st grow so everything is a big deal too me i guess lol.
So basically the 1st 2weeks dont count? cause i was starting to worry that they wont fill up and become nice big buds.
U guys count the 8 to 9 weeks of flowering from the 2 weeks after u guys flip it ?
itll depend on the strain, but it takes some time to transition and stretch before it starts to flower. Usually takes about a week and a half or so sometimes a bit longer. I start counting once I see some good little pistil clusters pushing out.
My auto top off is hooked up to my home 5 stage reverse osmosis system and i just add back nutrients once every 3 to 4 days, depending on how much they consume. I just didnt have a big enough space around my tent to put a 50 gallon res to use as top off but i dont know why but i like my method, lets me know how much they are eating. To test to see if my nutrient level is too high or low , i just close the auto top off and monitor the PPM as the water level drops, if ppm drops with water dropping then they want or need more food if it goes up then ppm im starting with is too high and if it stays about the same ppm as water drops then its spot on. thoughts?
any of you guys using just RO water for Auto top off with no nutrients?

There is more to that question

When plants are growing/budding, obviously they are consuming nutrients. It is important to check both pH AND EC/PPM daily.

Lets say your water level has gone down, but your EC/PPM has risen by 30-50PPM, then only add RO water. If you need to add a lot of RO water then recheck pH

I dont know if u guys can see it or not but almost all the tips are a little burned. is that from too much nutrients or how can i find out what is causing it? its not moving upwards so im not too worried just wanted to learn what and why do i have tip burns.
generally the nutrient needs drop during the last 2 weeks or so.

keep an eye on your ppm/EC and make sure they continue to drop.
thats a little hard for me to do since my auto top off is just plain RO water, meaning my ec drops daily anyway since they are consuming water. I can tell a little by monitoring how much the ec is dropping daily but this is not exact way of doing it. Like today " in the next 10 min " im going to close the auto top off and check throughout the day till tomorrow to see if my ec goes up or down or stays same. Idea is, if ec drops and water drops then they want more food, if water drops ec goes up then i guess my ec level is too high.
One interesting thing that i haven now observed is that when i do a nutrient top off and say go from 640ppm to 880 that same day " next 24hrs " they will consume the most nutrients(( was 640, increased to 880, dropped to 790)), then the following days it seems to wind down ( from 790 to 740) so i cant figure out why they consume more right after i do a top off vs the few days following it.
Stop adding back nutrients and let them fade out. Make sure you are staying within proper pH levels throughout the day as well since you have auto top-off.
Stop adding back nutrients and let them fade out. Make sure you are staying within proper pH levels throughout the day as well since you have auto top-off.
Yap, no nutrients will be added during the next 24hrs, auto top off is closed so just monitoring ph, ec and water levels. I will post in a few hours if there are any changes.
I flipped to flower on 2-7-2020
just completed week 6 of flower and i cant tell if my buds are growing at normal pace or something is wrong?
I feel like for this stage they should be more connected but looks like i have a lot of gaps in between the flowers.
is this normal?
I was told this is San Fernando OG strain " got 8 clones from a friend "
On 3.12.2020 i did some good amount of trimming to expose more of the mid buds to light and after that they started not to eat as much as they where eating before.
** currently they are consuming about 50 to 80ppm ( on a 500 scale) per day and my ph was dropping daily by about .1 , last 2 days ph stabilized and actually went up by .1 today to 6.0

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Keep calm and stick to the plan, you have an amazing looking grow there guy. You sound pretty new to growing and new growers dont usually grow anywhere near that well. People that really grow dont usually count the first 2 weeks or so as "flowering" time.