Help bugs or deficeincies we are indoor growing noobs help

Two or more of our plants look like they have big bites! I will post pics and a few yellow/brownish spots being found on leaves we are 7-8 weeks in growing in miracle grow soil with 150 watt CFL light, aluminum foil for reflection, we are using plant prod ultimate 20-20-20 all purpose fertilizer, and they are all mystery seeds. Fertilizer was done only once 1 week ago

:weed:Happy Growing to All :weed:


Well-Known Member
Right heres my opinion man... The small yellow spots may be from hot spots caused by the tin foil.. (when its scruffled up tin foil will focus light on individual spots) its wise to get the tin foil as flat as possible with the dim side facing the plants. Or even better invest in some mylar its pretty cheap ( £1.75 per metre where i am UK)

The curling of the leaves and where small chunks seem to be missing maybe an indication of a small insect pest problem.. Have a good look around the soil and the plant to see if you can see any life at all.. If so purchase a insect killer ( make sure its friendly to the plant and doesnt have stupid chemicals)

Also another tip try to get your plants atleast 1-2iches away from the light at most, the way you have it at the moment you are not getting the biggest potential of light intake.

Good luck man, hope this helps :leaf: