Help Build My Grow/Join my Quest


New Member
Hi forum peeps! I'm just planning my first grow and I want everything to go just right, myself and my roommates are spending far too much on our habit so we want to provide ourselves with more than enough to smoke to our hearts content and save money. I was initially planning a closet grow but it's a rental so I wouldn't be able to modify the doors or anything to allow for ventilation and it's quite a small closet (5 square foot floor space and 5.5 foot height). So now I am thinking of buying some cheap building supplies and making a grow box, there is a large hydroponics store in my town and I live near a lot of building supply stores and such, I want to do this as cost effectively as possible as I'm on a tight budget.

What I'm thinking is a perpetual grow, SOG and I'm thinking of building a DWC set up, having a clone/mother area and a flower area. From what I've read I think my goal would be to harvest 4-6 plants every 2 weeks and getting the seeds, germinating, and vegatively growing the seeds and they would be my mothers, take cuttings, put clones in propagator in mother room (or any other cheap cloning device you would recommend), once clones develop a good root system or reach the recommended height (whichever is best), put clones straight from propagator to flower room, maintain with nutes, water changes, pH checking, humidity and temp checking and take cuttings and clones every few weeks to make for a harvest every 2 weeks.

I'm thinking of building a box and dividing it down the middle or even running it out of my closet if anyone has any good ideas for how to do it. The box I'd like would be lined with mylar, with an exhaust fan, carbon filter and ducting going out the top left corner or right corner of the box near the light and out my window and with another hole in the bottom corner of the box with a fan and ducting bringing in air from the rest of the house. For a 6 plant harvest every 2 weeks from the set-up I have in mind, how much space or what dimensions would you recommend? How far should the plants be from the lights? I'm an absolute noob to this so this may be over-ambitious but I like to do things right the first time so any tips or advise is greatly appreciated.

So my main questions at this point are how much space for that amount of plants for both the flowering area and the mother/clone area (and how large the DWC tanks would have to be if you would recommend that set-up, with how many in each tank), and how much wattage/lumens and what would people recommend for a lighting system (preferably with a budget in mind) for both flowering and clone/mother areas, also an idea as to how vigilant I will need to be with humidity and temp and things like that with the recommended set-ups and such because I have little idea of what to expect.

Extra info (I know, half of this was probably extra but I'm high, sorry) - I was wanting to grow both a great indica for stress/anxiety, headaches, sleeping problems, inflammation and pain relief (whichever effects cross over the most but all would be brilliant if possible). Myself and my roommates are all athletes and we train hard and train frequently and we also study and work so the indica is for us to wind down with and relax and recover at the end of the day. But the difficulties come here as we also want a great sativa growing but obviously they don't grow the same as indicas but we like to smoke through the day and before we run and train so any advise on that situation would be great, currently my thoughts are that I will grow the sativa and indicas in separate DWC tanks so that I can change their height to the lights with bricks or whatever. For the indica our current thoughts are going towards Northern Lights due to it's supposed ease to grow and super high quality and medicinal value. Another thought is Dance World for the sativa because it grows like an indica but with sativa effects so rather than growing a sativa that is difficult to grow with Northern Lights using a sativa that grows like an indica but still gives us motivation for our training and work. But an energetic, euphoric, anti-anxiety sativa would be preferred, once again all advise is great, I've been researching flat out all day every day but I feel like I need to talk to wrap my head around it. Sorry for blabbering on and asking silly questions, but feel free to ask any other questions and provide any advise or info, I will start a grow journal for this experience and I'll keep everyone up to date with my endeavors with photos and all the like, so please come along with me on my cannabis crusade for my holy grail grow (saving money and supplying myself and my besties with a constant supply of top notch bud) and help turn me from a humble hemp pilgrim to an accomplished cannabis king of the crops, thank you, I eagerly await your responses <3 xxxx


Well-Known Member
Way too small of a space to have two chambers. I would buy a 2x2 tent for about 75-85$USD and put 150-200w of LED in there and do 12/12 from seed in 2 liter Hempy's or 1 gallon.