Help! CFL grow-3 week death

ok so im trying to breed a lovely little girl and every one i plant seems to grow strong off the line...and then after about 2-3 weeks she gets to about 2 inches tall and then seem to just die off and shrivel up and dry out...
Here are my grow practices...
-Wash up before handling anything
-germ. period for 4 days till sprout peeks out
-plant seed knot side up into Fox Farm Ocean Forest about 1/4" into soil
-Water until soil is soaked through
-Place 3 CFL Bulbs about 2" from top of "plant" with a day/night schedule of 20/4
-Water every or every other day depending on soil dryness.....
-Week 1-1.5 plant is healthy and rich green, opens to perfect 4 leaf cross
-Week 2-3 plant starts to lean over and leaf start to point UP and then the plant gets weak and dies???

What am i doing wrong? Any and all criticism or help would be awesome...thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Did you happen to take any pics before it was over? They might be helpful. Also - what was the temperature and humidity?


Well-Known Member
If this happens every time then it sounds like there is an issue with the soil your using as a certain depth and once the roots reach it the plant starts to die. Is this reused or a new bag of FFOF


Well-Known Member
If this happens every time then it sounds like there is an issue with the soil your using as a certain depth and once the roots reach it the plant starts to die. Is this reused or a new bag of FFOF
ok so -Water every or every other day depending on soil dryness.....
-Week 1-1.5 plant is healthy and rich green, opens to perfect 4 leaf cross
-Week 2-3 plant starts to lean over and leaf start to point UP and then the plant gets weak and dies???

What am i doing wrong? Any and all criticism or help would be awesome...thanks in advance
K this is ALL pointing to your roots.
This sounds like a classic case of root rot from over watering.

Other possibilities could include, nutrient lockout - Used soil, bad PH
Using Chlorinated tap water.
Or Nutrient root BURN

You do not need to water a seedling every day, or every other. Especially in a CFL grow. The water just simply isn't used quick enough. After your first through soak, you're prolly good for 4 days to a week. It's the ABSENCE of water in the soil that causes roots to start growing, insearch of more water. TOO much water, and the roots don't grow, they just sit there, and eventually rot. That dirt needs to dry out to a barely damp feel near it's CORE not just the surface before watering again.
it may be possible to that there might not be enough im going to get a dome to put them in....the heat coming off those bulbs seems to be pretty strong and my guess is that its just drying out the plant to quick


Active Member
sgt. sly had some good points. I've only done a couple of girls in dirt, but it sounds like a bit of overwatering to me. I've never had to water a seedling that much, not even the ones i'm growing for the shot glass grow off!!



Well-Known Member
Yeah I have to concur, it really sounds like a bad case of over-care.

Forget about the plant for at least 3-4 days in between care sessions if you are this prone to watering.

I know you want to mother your babies but they naturally kick ass so just water them when they are thirsty not when the medium appears to be anything.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have to concur, it really sounds like a bad case of over-care.

Forget about the plant for at least 3-4 days in between care sessions if you are this prone to watering.

I know you want to mother your babies but they naturally kick ass so just water them when they are thirsty not when the medium appears to be anything.
Good call. He's right, Your plants will tell you when they need water. When they look wilty, they need water. A plant will over come no water conditions in less than an hour. However may never overcome overwatering.


Active Member
Good call. He's right, Your plants will tell you when they need water. When they look wilty, they need water. A plant will over come no water conditions in less than an hour. However may never overcome overwatering.
Listen to Sgt. Sly and others.'s better to water once - really well- rather than a bunch of times just a little. Also, consider putting some perlite in your soil - it will help your soil dry out and prevent root rot.



I was having the same exact problem as you. Lucky I over come it. I also use CFL's. I have five 24 watts lights set up. Four at the 6500k and one at 2300k. I had the lights about two to three inches from the plants and they were doing fine for a while, about a week. Then everything started to die off. All my leafs were curling, twisting and drying up, the stems too. I moved the lights away to about 6 or 7 inches and that helped everything. Within a week all my plants came back and really strong too.


Active Member
it may be possible to that there might not be enough im going to get a dome to put them in....the heat coming off those bulbs seems to be pretty strong and my guess is that its just drying out the plant to quick

you are retarded.. plain and simple , dude above u just explained everything that could be causing it.

stop trying to grow u downy