HELP Couple questions mate. HPS and Pruning

1) Okay i took this out of someone's post in the outdoor growing section "i got the plants on the outside on 5-28-10" what does this mean. i know 18/6 is time or 12/12 but does this have to do with time as well or fertalizer?

2) When i prune a branch where do i snip it, im sure this questions in here somewhere so sorry for bothering you just need to know fast.

3) When buying HPS for indoor can i buy the bulb and fixtures in one or do i have to buy each seperate?


Well-Known Member
1) these are NPK values of fertilisers. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and potassium, respectively.

2)You snip at the topmost new growth, in between the 2 main fan leaves, leaving the 2 tiny ;new growth; areas intact.

3)You can buy packages online that include an air cooled hood, a ballast and a HPS bulb, for a reasonable price.

Check online!

Good luck with your grow.