Help creating seeds on purpose


Active Member
I inherited seeds of my favorite strain, they're feminized. How do I create more seeds from what I have?
I heard messing with the plant while in veg state might stress it, forcing it to flip sexes. Is that true?
Any suggestions on the best way to accomplish this goal, let me know, thanks!
I inherited seeds of my favorite strain, they're feminized. How do I create more seeds from what I have?
I heard messing with the plant while in veg state might stress it, forcing it to flip sexes. Is that true?
Any suggestions on the best way to accomplish this goal, let me know, thanks!
You don’t say whether the seeds are feminized, if so, you can treat a branch of the female plant with silver thiosulfate or colloidal silver. That should turn the sprayed branch male, collect the pollen and fertilize to your hearts content. You could also hope that the plant rodelizes on its own, but that’s more hit and miss. If they’re regular seeds then just plant a bunch, chances are you’ll get males and females, they’ll do their thing and you’ll have seeds! The last way is to just take clones, that won’t give you seeds, but you’ll have a copy of your favorite weed!

Edit: my mistake, you said they’re feminized!
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I inherited seeds of my favorite strain, they're feminized. How do I create more seeds from what I have?
I heard messing with the plant while in veg state might stress it, forcing it to flip sexes. Is that true?
Any suggestions on the best way to accomplish this goal, let me know, thanks!
You have a couple choices. You can hunt for a male you like and then pop the seeds or you can use colloidal silver. Stress induced seeds will be more prone for herms
I inherited seeds of my favorite strain, they're feminized. How do I create more seeds from what I have?
I heard messing with the plant while in veg state might stress it, forcing it to flip sexes. Is that true?
Any suggestions on the best way to accomplish this goal, let me know, thanks!
You have options. As stated, you can make more fems, which is easy enough.

If time isnt a big issue, you should grow them each out, find the best presentation of traits youre looking for, and then create a gang of clones. Self polinate the bulk of them. Take some of the clones you saved and cross them with a male from something like ssdd, nl5, ortega, 88g13hp, or an ibl you are partial to. Now you have an isolated selection, potentially a clone mother, and a broad gene pool to select from.

The reason I suggest this is because selfing a plant multiple times is not good for the genetics. For the sake of preservation, it may be nessessary, but you will want as many seeds as possible, because theres a non zero chance of negative traits becoming more pronounced. Out crossing to an IBL will help keep the offspring uniform, while keeping the genetics healthy. And nothing beats a good, healthy, clone mother.
Do you want regular or fem seeds?
How many seeds do you have and what strain is it and is it common?
If you STS you can either self or use a sister plant for multiple selection and also LED lights are not preferred for viable pollen!
If you have many seeds start by growing a few out and choose the best mother/s rather than just the first one you pop, grow multiple so you can compare, then (if you have the space) take clones from her to experiment with while you flower the mother for smoking :P
I'm going through the same process myself currently with some fairly old seeds (Australian Dead Head fems) that contain NHaze so I'll be growing out half my seeds and keeping some in reserve to start with then I have a nice male lined up to make seeds so I will be keeping the best clones and trying a cross also and see what's best. I may even "cube" it to bring the line back as regs, I don't want to weaken the line at all :)
When I first started my growing addiction I had visions of making female seeds and bought all the STS gear but while I was waiting for things to arrive I got to reading a bit more and gathering information and now I'm not a fan of fem seeds at all, I wish I'd bought all regs! It's easier to make seeds with male and female plants and grow them and cull the males if you choose not to make more seed or make a little seed for next time, you choose or you can keep mothers, make crosses, whatever and try to avoid genetic regression as much as possible

Edit: As @HenryTheEighth alludes to below you will likely lose some of the hybrid vigor if that's what it is!
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I inherited seeds of my favorite strain, they're feminized. How do I create more seeds from what I have?
I heard messing with the plant while in veg state might stress it, forcing it to flip sexes. Is that true?
Any suggestions on the best way to accomplish this goal, let me know, thanks!
Depends what you want.
Is your favourite strain a hybrid? Because if it is then making seeds of it will likely be different from the parent plant.
It won’t be your ‘favourite’ strain anymore once you make seeds. It will be a hybrid of your favourite strain.

Easiest idea would be to germinate the seeds you inherited and see if they pop First of all.
Then see if you get any stand out plants if you have enough starters to weed out the best plants.
Ideally you pop half your seeds to find a good female
Hit it with a good male like a C99 or something good and inbred.
Then run that cross and find males to cross back to the second half of the seeds of your favourite strain.
huh, what now?
bout leds and pollen apparently with certain lines that been used to hps for decades they dump less under leds heard a few folk saying they found that difference most lines probably makes no difference
I inherited seeds of my favorite strain, they're feminized. How do I create more seeds from what I have?
I heard messing with the plant while in veg state might stress it, forcing it to flip sexes. Is that true?
Any suggestions on the best way to accomplish this goal, let me know, thanks!
Ok start with what is your favourite strain before even thinking about options as others said if its a hybrid or worse polyhybrid s1ing it might not be the way to go s1s are only good if they stick closer to the parent most wont and you end up with a bunch of random phenos from the parents grandparents etc s1ing is similiar to a f2 in that regard a bx line with a good male would probably be a better idea plus regs are better if you wanna preserve it for time anyway plus gives you the option of making hybrids with your fave line too in the future
bout leds and pollen apparently with certain lines that been used to hps for decades they dump less under leds heard a few folk saying they found that difference most lines probably makes no difference

thats strange i am really not buying it never had a problem with the amount and viability of the pollen i got under leds. if there is a scientific explanation i’m not so stubborn to not change my mind but atm it sounds premium grade bro-science.
The LED issue is for making viable pollen with certain strains using STS and CS. It was mentioned in a sentence about STS and the first half was omitted in the quote. Over on another website there's a lot of info and testing on it
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The LED issue is for making viable pollen with certain strains using STS and CS. It was mentioned in a sentence about STS and the first half was omitted in the quote. Over on another website there's a lot of info and testing on it

can you give a link to this thread please?
Recommended reading.

Recommended reading.

i just very recently cut down a male branch whole from a malawi male with 99% unopened pollen pods and put it in a small bottle of water with added sugar and isolate it in a different room. after a couple of days under 7w of led cabinet lights its dropping some serious pollen. i use a silicon kitchen brush to pollinate selected branches. got malawi X nl, malawi X destroyer, malawi X dinachem going atm today i also did first round pollination of malawi females. we’ll know in a couple of days if it took :)