help curing

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I feed right up to harvest.

The last watering is three days before chop. Up till then they were taking a gallon every two days.

Harvest is when ALL the white pistils have turned color and receded. AND the trichomes are all at least white, some amber is good.

I chop when lights normally come on, no dark period other than regular lights off.

My last crop I wet trimmed on the plant, seemed to be quite a bit faster.

Then I cut off the branches and hang in the dark. Best I could do was 45% RH and 70 degrees.

I had a staggered harvest so I built a frame and threw a tarp over it ;)

And had a 50cfm fan blowing in. Takes six to seven days for the buds to feel "crispy", I never did get the hang of the "snap the branch" thingee..

KG & GG#4 hanging.jpg

Cut the buds off the branches and loose fill a food grade container to at least 3/4's full. Anything less is too much air.

OR multiple jars, your choice :mrgreen:

Pop in a hygrometer (less than $20 for 5 off Amazon) and check it the next day. Takes a while to get a good reading, the crispy parts will absorb moisture from the bud interiors.

Ideally it won't be over 70. If it is leave the top off the contain for a half hour, three times a day. Much over 70% is mold area and I would either paper bag it or lay it out on newspaper for a while. You will get the hang of this part, no pun intended !

It's handy to have an extra container the same size. Place on top of the original and flip. Less harsh than fluffing up the buds and gives the bottom of the container access to the burp.

When RH hits the high 60's burp the container twice a day for a couple of minutes until it reaches 58%.

Hopefully this will take at least two weeks.

Curing KG & GG.jpg

Then I vacuum seal in 1 L mason jars.

Some prefer 62% but 58% works best for me to grind for joints or pipe.

The KEY to a good cure is paying attention to the RH !

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If you over dry you can put in humidity and it will make them moist again. However letting humidity dip below 55% will start the deterioration process, there's no reversing that. I've slipped and didn't change humidifier I gave it all to my worms I stupidly did it again later on, didn't trim or anything just threw in jars with humidity packs those went back moist, worms didn't get them. Its easiest to get a ink bird to plug humidifier up to for drying. If you dry correctly you wont need a humidity pack for around a month tracking humidity with a hygrometer. That gets me 10 to 14 days.


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Borrowing this thread to drop a Q.
My buds almost always smell a bit weird before grinding/pressing them to release terp oil.
They taste good and smells great when broken down. But smelling them separately it's kinda meh.
This is after the curing process.

The thing I do differently than what I did back in the day is I brush the buds with a silicon brush after they are dry instead of trimming with scissors.

Whole process goes - cut plant down, remove fan leaves, hang dry ~ 18-20c and 55rh for 7-12 days,
Brush bud to remove leaves, and cure in mason jars for a couple months with regular bruping for the first couple weeks. Then less burps.
This gives me weird smelling buds untill I grind/press them a bit as explained.
Any thoughts what I can do different to have awesome smelling buds without breaking them down?
Properly cured weed isn't supposed to smell like terpenes until its grinded, that's normal. Terpenes are trapped in trichomes, until you break apart those trichomes smell should be minimal after a long proper cure
Properly cured weed isn't supposed to smell like terpenes until its grinded, that's normal. Terpenes are trapped in trichomes, until you break apart those trichomes smell should be minimal after a long proper cure
Maybe you need different weed?
That's not at all normal and demonstrably false. The smell is overwhelming when first opening a jar of cured weed; at least every jar I've ever opened.
Properly cured weed isn't supposed to smell like terpenes until its grinded, that's normal. Terpenes are trapped in trichomes, until you break apart those trichomes smell should be minimal after a long proper cure
So my shit is pure fire :D haha Jk
Thanks mate!
That's not at all normal and demonstrably false. The smell is overwhelming when first opening a jar of cured weed; at least every jar I've ever opened.
When I open my jars it smells just like it should. Storng awesome weed smell.. But when I smell a individual bud it doesn't smell like that
How long do you cure?
I put them in jars when they stay at 58% rh while sealed for 24h.. And then I burp them every day ~15-30min or so for the first couple weeks. When they lost a couple %rh I burp them every second day or so. This I do until I smoked them all.
Usually 2-4 months.
Perhaps I've jared them a bit to early or my hygrometers needs a calibrate..
Anyones 0.02 cents are welcome to help me.improve my weed smell
Lol well I'm speaking on a 5 or 6 month cure. The weed I'm smoking now is 8 months to a year.
I put them in jars when they stay at 58% rh while sealed for 24h.. And then I burp them every day ~15-30min or so for the first couple weeks. When they lost a couple %rh I burp them every second day or so. This I do until I smoked them all.
Usually 2-4 months.
Perhaps I've jared them a bit to early or my hygrometers needs a calibrate..
Anyones 0.02 cents are welcome to help me.improve my weed smell
No need to burp unless humidity gets over 70%. No need to add humidity pack until humidity drops below 62% if you use a 62% pack. Normally they can cure for around a month before needing humidity packs. Once a humidity pack is needed I'll add then give that a day to stabilize humidity then I'll put jars in fridge or dark cool place until needed
Lol well I'm speaking on a 5 or 6 month cure. The weed I'm smoking now is 8 months to a year.
I'm sure I have a few yars that are over 6 months and still smells like I've described.
Next run I'll try to dry and cure them a bit different to see if I get any changes.
I just find it strange it smells just like it should when I open the jars. Pick up a bud and smell it, meh.. :wall:
Grind it down and my neighbours comes knocking wanting to share a cone
How exactly does one extend the curing process to 5 or 6 months?

I've got many jars over a year old and it's still fantastic stuff.
I never said the weed wasnt fantastic lol just doesn't smell like grinded up bud. Theres a difference in opening a jar that's been sealed for 4 to 6 months that will or should if kept at a proper temp where it's not too hot allowing trichomes to evaporate not smell the same as grinded bud. The jar should smell like herb not terpenes. Taste flavor and smell are all there just not in solid bud form. Again due to storing and preserving trichomes properly. If cologne was inside a balloon would you be able to smell the cologne as strongly with the balloon tied up or popped? Terpenes are inside trichomes unles trichomes are damaged or being damaged how does the smell escape?
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