Help design an efficient and above average grow room.


Active Member
Ok well I've have my first experience of growing inside a nice 4x4x4 plywood box I built.

It's turned out rather well and I know I can handle the tension in keeping the plants happy. How I've decided to move from my little operation to something along the more immediate lines of a bigger and better one.

My budget is about 3000-5000. I want good things, but don't give me any stupidly overpriced things i'll never need or could simply do myself.

My expectations are that I want to be able to yield a minimum of 2 pounds every 2 weeks so as the case is, it needs to be a constant yield setup(SoG?). I need pricing, a list of parts, why they are most suitable for such and particularly how much space "x"x" I'll need and what the total cost should be in doing so. I know this might be asking a bit much but I want the best possible setup and as far as I'm concerned a community built setup is alot more efficient due to all of the experience you guys have in comparison to my own philosophies. Thanks ahead of time, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread very closely and bumping it if need be.


Active Member
I've seen this video more then a few times and it's really not much to me. I don't see the point in using a whole room unless your going for over 50 plants. I also have no notion toward growing in soil. I've been doing Coco but even that is not really something I care to repeat. I want a DWC or Aero setup which ever gets better results.


Well-Known Member
I've seen this video more then a few times and it's really not much to me. I don't see the point in using a whole room unless your going for over 50 plants. I also have no notion toward growing in soil. I've been doing Coco but even that is not really something I care to repeat. I want a DWC or Aero setup which ever gets better results.
Well then design yourself one..

Don't expect to be spoon fed exact details of how to make your grow room.

Not hating on you, just saying.
Everyones grow space is different, you've just gotta find what works for you.:hug:


Well-Known Member
trying to be helpful here - arrid is right, you get what you pay for and you are asking for free advice. you'll get more out of this site if you read a couple of grow journals that do perpertual grows. then search threads and growfaq for more info. then post more specific questions like " how much light, what kind and how much would it cost to light up 16 square feet of flowering space". then you'll get a good answer.


Well-Known Member
2 pounds every two weeks is a lot of bud and a lot of work and will be tough to pull off on that budget. your gonna need something like 8 1000w lamps just for your flowering area, and atleast one more for vegging/mothers. Check out al b. fuct's info I think it is in the hydro section, he does 2 week cycles and has lots of good info. If your going this big right off the bat I hope you have a lot of space and some deep pockets, cuz this shit aint cheap. Your co2 set up alone could run you close to 1G, add in lights, fans, nutrients, an aero system, air conditioning, dehumidifier, heating (if your anywhere cold), timers, electrical work, and building supplies, not to mention an extra $300-400 dollars easy a month on your electric bill. Your messing with the big boys with numbers that big and I hope your wallet has the patience to wait for this to actually start making money.


Well-Known Member
I disagree.

The first thing you need to do is take a room, light proof it, and prepare ventilation access. You can do that today while your thinking of clever replies to other posts.

Then you need to go to htgsupply and get a single HID light with an air cooled hood. This will allow you to start planning out your ventilation while at the same time growing and getting a good bead on what your temp issues are going to be. While your growing under 1000watter in soil you can construct your aero table and be ready to start growing in that after your soil try is done under the 1000 watter.

Edit: Your better go digital digital DIGITAL BOI!

Once you have the aero table built, testing that out while smoking sweet nugs from your soil grow you start building a multible t5 vegging/clone area out of industrial metal shelving, put it in your room and black it out with panda plastic. Now become a cloning expert.

This "start" will be under a few thousand and still be able to produce the weight you want, while being easily expandable, just dont buy 6 1000 watt lamps and ballasts and wonder why you cant keep temps under 150.

If this all seems like to much you can get a few pounds a week with a volksgarden in any room with AC and a 120 volt outlet.

Now that you are an expert with clones, aero, and keeping your lights ventilated and cool you can expand that aero table (the ALB design is easily expandable) plan on getting another HID light, and then buy a 900 dollar res chiller. You will now be growing a shit ton of weed and you wont need advise anymore.


Well-Known Member
You'll definately need more than 50 plants and about 200 square feet of light, if you want to meet those expectations, at least 8 lights, all the previous post are very valid, not much to add. I hope your pockets are deep.


Well-Known Member
Ok well I've have my first experience of growing inside a nice 4x4x4 plywood box I built.

It's turned out rather well and I know I can handle the tension in keeping the plants happy. How I've decided to move from my little operation to something along the more immediate lines of a bigger and better one.

My budget is about 3000-5000. I want good things, but don't give me any stupidly overpriced things i'll never need or could simply do myself.

My expectations are that I want to be able to yield a minimum of 2 pounds every 2 weeks so as the case is, it needs to be a constant yield setup(SoG?). I need pricing, a list of parts, why they are most suitable for such and particularly how much space "x"x" I'll need and what the total cost should be in doing so. I know this might be asking a bit much but I want the best possible setup and as far as I'm concerned a community built setup is alot more efficient due to all of the experience you guys have in comparison to my own philosophies. Thanks ahead of time, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread very closely and bumping it if need be.


my frend it looks like you all ready are doing the right thing how ever i would use foiled face stirafome it is 3/4 4 X 8 sheet 12.00 a sheet @ LOWS use 2/4 frame 6' x 10 split into 3 section one 6' dep 4' wide 8' tall split it in 1/2 bottem will be seedling top veg that leves 6' dep 6' wide 8' tall for flower chamber lighting 1000 watt hps for flowering 600 or 400 watt mh veg t5 floresent for seedling's the trick is having seeds to germinate starting ever other week to have a constent suply to veg and flower


Well-Known Member
I was all about helping until I read the "2 pounds every week". I'm not trying to be a dick but if you have to ask how; you are not even close to designing, managing, and producing that much bud in two weeks. You would need about 8k watts to produce that. And BTW, running 8k watts with fans blowers and air con will cost you at LEAST $1,000 a month in electricity


Well-Known Member
Save up! I said the same thing same price. Now my room cost me over 16000. Save and do it as you can. Build your room and start setting up as money comes. Set a small room up with your tent stuff and let that run as you build. Use your tent as a dry rack.


Well-Known Member
Hold on 2lb a week? good luck. I do 2-3 every 6 weeks. And doing a pound a week you will be trimming everyday. I fucken hate trimming after the first hour.