help do these look ok 10 blue cheese 1 8ball kush


Well-Known Member
my first grow had a bit a of heat problems at the start but all is good now well i hope im no expert. i started with clones and vegged 18/6 for 35 days under 1x600 for2 weeks untill established then 2x 600wand flipped to 12/1
a week ago, ive topped them once week before flipping 20120806_202206.jpg20120810_120517.jpg20120813_104854.jpg20120815_185220.jpg20120821_192616.jpg20120829_175258.jpg20120906_224620.jpgand havent used any neuts as of yet as my soil has feed in it for at least another 3weeks. i started in smaller pots but there in the final resting place now and comments or tips appriceated thanks