help emergency hermie plants!


hello everybody!

I've done a bit of research and I find it hard to get the info I'm looking for so I'll post it here instead!!

I'm growing 25 plants indicas in a small room with ventilation (ww, kalashnikova, and more). It has been hot outside which has caused the plants some heat stress and eventually my feminized seed plants has turned into hermies. I believe I've got 5 of them today.

Im 16 days into flowering. They were planted from seed 8 weeks ago + 16 flowering days. All my plants have shown female preflowers which I checked one week ago (this was 9 days after 12/12 switch) that they all had the 2 white pistols. Today 16 days after 12/12, I discovered hermie plants. On one of the hermies I have a node with female preflower (2 white pistols) and beside it (on the same node) like seed-looking things (6-9 seeds attached to each other in a circle). It's most probably a hermie. But my problem is that I'm a first timer and I have shook the plant just to see if any pollen comes out. Of course I moved the plant to another room before shaking it. But I see no pollen falling down (can u actually see pollen fall down at this stage??). I have also used a 30x magnifying glass to see if any pollen comes out while shaking the plant, but NOTHING.

Now the reason why I'm freaking out is because there are more nodes on the same plant with this particular explanation, and also on this very hermie I think I have seeds growing just beneath the female "bud" that has started to developed (I already see white hairs growing from the bud). Now the internet said the male plants and hermies will show sex before female plants, and the net said it will take like 7-10 days up to 2 weeks into flowering stage before you can see if a plant is male or hermie. I thought I was on the good side 9 days after 12/12 finding no male plants or hermies. As stupid as I am I turned the fans on again arghh. Now I got this hermie and I have found other 4 hermies that got one BALL (which I believe is a pollen sac because it has no white pistols growing out from it).

Is my rooom filled with pollen? In that case would I see the pollen floating around in the room without having the fans on? How can I be sure about this? By shaking the hermie plants in another room and see if pollen comes out, does that even work? Or do I check with a magnifyer to see if the pollen sacs has cracked yet by finding some sort of hole? So the next question is when does a pollen sac crack in general? and specifically related to my situation with this stage of a hermie, do you believe the pollen sacs on my plants has cracked yet?

Last question because I want to learn more about hermies.. Can the seeds be removed now in this stage to be experimented with or are they not "mature" yet until the end of the flowering phase?

I wish I could show pics but I have no smartphone or a camera except a broken ipad with worthless battery...

Thanks in advance people!! :peace:


New Member
The best option with a hermie is to remove all the male parts VIA razor blade(without cutting a ball open or it will pollinate females). Then continue growing as if female, note you will still have seeds, but less without energy going into making pollen.