Help? First time growing. Grandaddy Purple auto from ilgm


Well-Known Member

Look i 100% wasn't prepared and assumed i'd just go ahead and plant 20 seeds. Well we're learning......everyday. I ended up giving away a lot and kept 7. I have no idea what i am doing and assumed i'd be okay sitting them on a windowsill and giving them tap water.


I put these seeds in a plastic bag with a paper towel on 4-2-2023. I put them in the soil on 4-4-2023. They popped through the dirt in another 24 hours and then started growing really tall. I had nothing but sunlight through the window. On 4-8-2023 I ended up buying a light - this one : Phlizon PL1000 Plant LED Grow Light with LM281B LEDs Dimmable Daisy Chain Full Spectrum Grow Lamp for Indoor Plant Led Grow for 2x4ft Coverage . I have them in my closet which is about 4x4 feet. They have stopped growing. They also have mushrooms forming in the soil...from what i research that is good???? Not sure about that...... I have them on 20/4 light schedule and get 0 natural light. I have them in Back to the Roots All-Purpose Potting Mix. I am watering them with bottled water and ph very close to 6.5 (i am using drops to measure). Humidity is in the 50% range pretty steadily. Temp from 70-85. Here are some pics as well. Please please please let me know what all i am doing wrong here if possible? Not sure what more info to provide so please let me know if any more is needed!

-- Side note - First time grower - long time smoker. I started this just bullshitting around but have come to want to learn how to actually grow some pot. I thought i could put the seeds in dirt and give them some water/light but finding it's much more complicated.

Here are the mushrooms..... 1681683875808.png1681683876459.png

Here are the girls .... (will be 14 days in dirt tomorrow) .....

Close upof the one in the back because it looks like the one in the back is like under/over watered but i can't figure it out. 1681684277770.png

Wtf i am trying to grow pot not mushrooms - what are these? From my research they are good for the plant?????1681684362950.png

More mushrooms??? 1681684398801.png

Here's the bojank setup :

Humidifier top right, that black fan is angled down and the air purifier on bottom left is blowing air straight up out the top at a pretty good amount. I cover the door with a thick curtain and leave the bottom left open a little bit for some ventilation.



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Let the cups get really light before you water again and you’ll be fine
If you can get your temps down and your humidity up that would help a lot.
The light looks scary close. Is it dimmed down to 20% at least?
They don't look too happy, but they aren't shitty looking either. (More or less I'm trying to say they have a chance)
Make sure to not go crazy watering. Once a day should be fine if they dry up that quick. Only give them about a shot glass each watering.
Tap water should be ok if you're able to drink it.
No PH adjusting is necessary just yet.
I'd transplant to a 3-5gal pot in about a week if growth picks up. After that.. just watch your watering habits.

Edit: If you're able to get 60% humidity go for it. Keep temps warm. Low-mid 80's if possible with a fan to move air.
At the least try to be above 75F. They like the warmth.
Mushrooms is a good and bad sign bad because it a sign you don’t let the soil get dry enough,the good is your soil is got the nutrients to grow some shit! I had plenty pop up but only during flower
I just moved the light up about 3-4 inches it was about 12 inches above the plants. I can get humidity to 60 no problem and temps ill move up a bit as well. Haven't watered them since yesterday and plan on maybe tomorrow night or the next day depending on what they look like. I have the light at 100%.....I did get worried they didn't have enough water because they weren't growing so i gave them a real good watering a couple days ago....the soil was pretty dry... too much it seems.....i will let them dry out real good before i water again.
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60 even 70 rh for seedlings. Look into vpd. It’s a chart show optimal temp and humidity for rapid growth.
I bet you can wait 3-4 days before watering again. Letting the roots search for water is important for root development
I think you're right. Should I get the humidity up to 70 now or wait a couple days to try and let the soil dry? I have it at ~60 right now. Mt thought is if it's taking in water through the leaves it won't pull as much through the roots? Trying for that for right now simply to get the soil dry asap.
I'm really not one to complain, but I just finished gdp from ilgm, only a photoperiod, and it's not very good. At least not imo. Nothing like the gdp I smoked in Cali 10 years ago.
Well that sucks. Does ilgm have decent seeds or should i look elsewhere? Here is how much i knew about growing weed when i planted these seeds. I planted 21..................i guess everyone starts somewhere
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