help.. first time growing


Well-Known Member
That set-up would do you fine mate, though I think there's a 400w kit on there that's sub £200 that would do you for your first grow... its obviously 50% less energy costs too. You're best off going straight to a kit like that anyway, you'll end up getting it all separately in the end and at least this lot comes in one order.

Just make sure u get something with a carbon filter, otherwise it'll start stinking when you're flowering.

Best try your hand with some autos first too... there's plenty of places selling them and they should cost you around a fiver each (or less). Go for feminised ones to save messing around. With a bit tlc you should have some nice schmoke in less than 3 months. Do a grow diary on here and you should get help if/when u need it.

Good luck geeza


thx for reply.. am going for the one i seen as two of us are payin the leccy.. and just checked on the filter and it is a carbon filter so all good there.... where the best place to get seeds from ?? and whitch ones would be the best for me to start with.. and as for growin them what should i start with read alot of post and all confused about what to try .. should i just go with compost or something else any help would be great


Well-Known Member
I don't think I'm allowed to post links to particular seed sites, so just search for some Autoflowering Feminised seeds that you like the look of (the Auto AK47 looks lovely). Whatever you get though, make sure you get feminised though, it'll save you the annoyance of getting a male on your first grow. Autos are good to start with as they go from seed to harvest in 70-90 days and are also pretty hardy. However, have you got any (decent) seeds left over from a previous score? As it's your first grow you could just have a go with them and see how you go.... though they may turn out shite and you could get males too! Some people have had excellent results with bagseeds... if you get seeds out of some top smoke they should (in theory) be pretty good.

As far as soil goes, pop the seeds on wet toiletpaper and when they've cracked open put them in seedling compost (have a look in B&Q or any other garden centre). Autos will probably go the whole grow in seedling compost, but you'll need to add nutes after about a month because it'll have used up all the good stuff from the soil. You could buy some fancy nutes online or from a Hydro store, but you could just get something from a garden centre.... just do some research on here about what NPK to use at what point in your grow.

Plant your seeds into the biggest pots you can fit in your tent (but consider how big the branches will spread - DON'T overfill your tent... start off small!). Ideally you don't want to have to cause your girls any upset by transplanting them at any point (unless you have to). Autos can be grown in a water cup, but you know that theory about a tree's roots being the same size as the branches?? This is the same for marijuana.

Bottomline is that you should do some proper research into everything you can before proceeding - last thing you want is to spend a £25 on a few seeds and then screw it up.... I'm not a big fan of throwing away £25 and I presume you aren't either. Research the whole process, from seed to harvest... it will pay dividends.