HELP!!! Flower Week 5 and Dying!!!!!!

Dee Dub


So i'm in the 5th week of flower and almost ALL of my leaves are dying. They are turning spotted every where and shriveling up. SUPER SUPER DRY and will crumble when touched. Its making its way closer to my buds and sugar leaves, what do i do??? Will it kill me to harvest too early and just cure for a long time??? This is my first grow, pictures will be uploaded tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
It sound like you burnt it or was feeding a lot of nutes continuously it fried your
leaves. Do the leaves look like fried chicken?


Well-Known Member
need to see pics mate, dont stress till we have seen them, it happens with some strains during flowering.

Dee Dub

Pictures will come tomorrow. Its deff not nute burn because i BARELY feed them with Bloom Booster 10-52-10. Like 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water (25% strength).


Active Member
I was thinking more along the line that they are starving myself, but I won't say anything definite until you post some pics.

Dee Dub

Worst case scenario, how horrible would it be to harvest a few weeks early?? Buds are dense and super sticky. Lots of trichomes


Well-Known Member
well, for one thing they are not ready yet and you will have wasted what time you have to this point.. sounds like your wanting permission to pull them..WELL YOU WONT GET IT ......HAH!!!