HELP!! Flowering Light schedule fucked!!


So being a complete dumass I installed 2 new ballasts in my room which already had 32 plants on day 35 of flower and I just realized that for the past 18 days the new ballasts have been on 24hrs. New shoots are coming out of the flowers. They obviously started revegging. Should i toss em or try and fix em? is there any hope???


Active Member
just correct the lighting and you should be good
maybe with the new leads you will get more yield


Well-Known Member
I would switch them back to 12-12.gotta watch what your doing! dont get high then do important stuff lol

That is VERY good advice.

Also, Don't put any *good ideas* that you have while baked into effect until you re think them while straight. Saves a lot of wear and tear on the plants.

You should be fine going back to 12/12.



It was more the fault of me not checking the switch on the powerbox. the new ballasts were plugged into the seperate 2 plugs that are on "sometimes" on constant. I was under the impression that I had put it to "timed" so that all the plugs are on the same schedule. and since my warehouse is bout 20 mins away, I didn't go check the lights at 6am when they shut off until yesterday cos I had to do a spray before lights out. total dum dum dum! I had just put 32 more plants in when I installed the new ballasts, and had been also wondering they hadn't urchined and kept stretching. It was a new strain so I figured they just stretch alot. but no! they just vegged for 7 weeks! hopefully thatll crop them larger as well. they're about 5 foot tall now and I can't wait to see how long they stretch now that they are on the right 12/12. i'll take some pics today and show you folks the flowers with new shoots.