Help Free MMJ Prisoner Sherry Flor!


Active Member
If you are selling marijuana you are doing it wrong. Grow your plant limit. Consume what you need. Give the surplus to someone in need.
Once money enters the picture, trouble will follow.


Well-Known Member
If you are selling marijuana you are doing it wrong. Grow your plant limit. Consume what you need. Give the surplus to someone in need.
Once money enters the picture, trouble will follow.
You act like it is free to grow medical MJ Mon, even outdoor with no electric bill is expensive, not only Mons time growing it but watching it and taking care of it daily for months time , drying and cold curing with A/C, trimming for hours, cost of getting seeds/clones,nutes,soil,smartpots, water bill building mon greenhouse, putting up a fence and lock to keep any children and non medical users out and many other things mon did not bring up such as supports, stretchy tape, tds meter, soil test kits, trimming scissors, bags, fans to dry, most people get paid for their time working......Mon don't see farmer john giving his apples and corn away free so why shd MON?

So mon shdn;t get paid for his time of many many hours growing and mny more hours drying and trimming and all other hard work involved? Why don't you just use what you need with your paycheck and give the surplus to someone in need?