Help!? Germanating questions


Well-Known Member
So I'm trying to get an indoor crop going. I did the wet-paper-towel-inside-two-plates method of germination.

Within 48 hours, 3 of the 6 seeds had sprouted their tap root. I planted those. The other three look like they have the beginnings of a tap root (aka a white dot poking through) but it isn't progressing at all. It's two days later and they're still exactly where they were. I keep adding a bit of moisture to the paper towel, but they're kinda in limbo.

They're just misc bagseeds. I have no idea what strain. Do different strains take longer to germinate than others?

should I plant them, wait, or toss them?


Well-Known Member
It's sitting on my cable box.

Could the fact that I've opened it every four hours or so to inspect affect the progress?


New Member
germ in a prop with jiffys and you are guaranteed 100% germ rate(if the seeds are any good).
this paper towel and soaking seeds for germing seeds does work but why stress the seed/tap root by transplanting when you can just drop the seed straight into a jiffy and using this method the tap root will always grow downwards???????


Active Member
they probably wont come out can still plant them though. a few of mine were like that and they grew just took a few more days to come through the soil


Active Member
I have found that the best way to germinate seeds is to put them in a paper towl and wet it nicley. Then put it inside a baggie and place in a warm area. I have had 100% germination within 4 days on average.