Help germinated sprouted



  • Hey all think i need a little help.

    i planted my seedlings yesterday and put the light on for 12 hours 600w hps. i also put it about a metre high away from the seelings.

    it had a dark period for 6 hours midnight - 0600.

    i have kept the soil moist giving it a mist every 3/4 hours except for the night time.

    just been to check on them now & out of 20 seedsabout 3 of them have popped through they still have the seed casing on and look a little dry so i sprayed water around it not on it....

    should i have the light on a 18/6 i have a fan pointing at it trying my best to keep it cool....
    HUMIDITY 31%
    any additional info would help great thanks.​



hey first things first sort out the text on your post or youll never get a response not many ppl will be bother to read
text when its typed like that

anyway back to business

from what you have wrote and told us, it sounds as if your doing everything ok , the seedling will disgard the seed casing naturally to release the first leaves
(cotyledon) it will happen don't try pulling these off as you may damage of even kill the seedling.
after this point the first true leaves ill grow from the middle,
your temps and humidity are both fine
try to keep a slight breeze over the seedlings moving them slightly back and forth as this will help to strengthen the stems
make sure your light (600w) is kept inbetwween 1 1/2 ft to 2ft away for the first week they pop to avoid light burn,
after the first true leaves show i would reduce this to 1 1/2 no more than that away from the tops of the plant to avoid unnecessary stretching

if you follow this you show be fine

oh one more thing dont use any nutes till at least the end of week 2 start of week 3 and when you start with nute use only 1/4 strength and work your way up



i personally let the seeds sprout in a dark environment (the paper towel method) then
once i see the tap root start to sprout i put them in soil under my light on the veg cycle
that will stay with them until flip to flowering

i cover the seeds with about a 1/4" of loose not compacted soil

ive just used this exact method and got 10 out of 10 healthy young seddlings

this is just my opinion and other grower may recommend no light but this works for me


Ok the 600w was drying the soil very fast, and the temp got to 32 which is like 93 F

i have put the 60w over the top of the plants cfl nice & close sprayed the seedlings & humidity has rose from 31% to 55% after temperature has dropped to 23 C Which is like 80 F.

Hopefully this should be ok & better for seedlings any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
stop spraying so much. the cfl is a good move. use a dome if humidity is an issue. but not too damp. seedling will rot.