I’m now about 10 days from harvesting my first plant. She did great up until the past couple days and I just noticed a regular brown caterpillar last week and so far I’ve found about 8 green ones in the last 8 or 9 days. I normally don’t touch her buds too much but have noticed two really small ones that I’ve taken out of the insides. I never notice slime trails like I’ve read but I do see little black specks that I’m pretty sure is their crap. I was so proud of my girl and I’m so close. What will kill them? I’ve read it’s too late for most stuff. I literally used some old garden soil mixed with potting soil and I don’t test PH but will definitely with my next indoor ones. I’ve used fox farm nutes but am just flushing now. There doesn’t seem to be much damage but the leaves aren’t looking the same and I don’t know if they’ll continue to mess with it after I harvest? Any advice will be appreciated. I couldn’t get a picture of any of the worms but picked a tiny one out earlier.