Help Help Help Urgent!


If anyone can help me out this would be greatly appreciated. My plants leaves seem like theyre really sad. I just recently put an air conditioner window unit in my room which is outside my tent. I have a fan sucking air into my tent and an oscillating fan attached to the top of the tent for top air circulation. They are under a 125 watt cfl and have been doing fine up until an hour ago. THey are about 4 weeks old. I have no idea what to do because they are about to go to sleep in a half hour. Ph seems fine around 7 because im using soil and i just watered them yesterday and moisture level doesnt seem to intense and i havent added nutes yet. They are in 1 gallon buckets and about 5 inches tall. THe leaves dont look like they are changing color or anything they just look sad. Please Help!!
Go on youtube and watch timelapse videos of weed growing. You will notice that everyday about one hour or so before lights out the leaves droop down, and perk back up before lights on. This is totally normal, it is part of a natural process called photosynthesis. Depending on what medium your using, a plant at 4 weeks old should begin using nutrients.


Well-Known Member
i use fox farms ocean forest, and even using that nute loaded stuff, i start feeding at 4 weeks...sometimes 3 depending on when my girls tell me they are hungry. ( sad looking, ever so slight yellow tint to leaves )


Well-Known Member
Go on youtube and watch timelapse videos of weed growing. You will notice that everyday about one hour or so before lights out the leaves droop down, and perk back up before lights on. This is totally normal, it is part of a natural process called photosynthesis. Depending on what medium your using, a plant at 4 weeks old should begin using nutrients.
This this and errrr THIS :)


cool i was freaking out for a little bit lol but yeah all the leaves look very healthy so i was just really confused but yeah that makes sense that they would do that. Im going to start feeding the next time theyre hungry and a week from now im putting them under a metal halide light instead of this 125 watt cfl.