Help help help!


Well-Known Member
i transplanted 2 of my plants from 8 inch pots to recycle bins, i am using pro-mix HP soiless mix, my plants that are in the 8inch pots dry out in 3 days.. the ones that were already in recycle bins dry out in 5 days.. i transplanted the 2 threee days ago, fed them, now they are droopy like they are dry.... so lets assume this is becuz they are dry.. it was a clean transplant no problems etc. but the new soil in the rest of the recycle bin is still wet, and the middle is dry, so clearly the roots have just sucked everything up as if they were still in the 8inch pots.. so what do i do!? do i water the middle of it with 500ml like i normally would if it was in the 8inch? lol i didnt expect this to happen.
even 3 days sounds like a REALLY long time to not water ur plants. If anything , without oversaturating, they want a little more moisture at this stage to help them ease the shock and balance themselves. Try watering daily but with less water. Test ur soil with a stick / cotton bud and check the middle daily
weigh your pots when empty and when weigh again when they have been watered. It will give you a good and precise benchmark of when to water and when not to water.


Well-Known Member
even 3 days sounds like a REALLY long time to not water ur plants. If anything , without oversaturating, they want a little more moisture at this stage to help them ease the shock and balance themselves. Try watering daily but with less water. Test ur soil with a stick / cotton bud and check the middle daily

ya i dont use anything but pro-mix HP, no extra perlite or anything.. and it seemed to work just fine schedule wise so i stuck with it

here is my current grow>>>>


Well-Known Member
i have a moisture meter that i stick in the soil.. never bother to use it tho as i said 3 days dry seemed to have worked out for the 8inch pots, and 5 days for the recycle bins, i wait till its dry 2 inches under the soil in the recycle bins and 1 inch in the 8inch pots


Well-Known Member
I dont know alot about soil but you should give your plants a week or so to take to the transpant before feeding them.


Well-Known Member
I dont know alot about soil but you should give your plants a week or so to take to the transpant before feeding them.
ya see i wasnt sure when i transplanted, fuck. i figured feeding them would help and also it was on the schedule, i let them dry out to transplant then fed them 1 litre.. instead of the 500ml i usually would in the 8inch pots


Well-Known Member
i watered both now with 500ml in the middle where it was all dry, one of them is purking up, the other looks the same still tho


Well-Known Member
give it another hour it should perk up if not over night.............. and im sure some one will correct me but when i was younger i used to see my grandma break up the root a little bit befor she transplanted them.......she never grew weed tho lol it was roses..... dose this apply?


Well-Known Member
no it was a very clean transplant.. let them dry out, took it out carefully as a whole, filled bottom of recycle bin with new soil, set it in middle of recycle bin on top of new bottom soil, then filled in around and packed in securely and fed nutrients... 2 500ml bottles instead of 1 (i water/feed the ones in recycle bins a litre, 8inch pots 500ml)