HELP HELP new box need advice


Active Member
i just started growing some weed cause i can get good weed. so i planted a few good swazi seeds oh well thas wat i think they are ,and they poped up. put them in small pots and all day in the sun, then indoor lights off. they seem to grow pretty well to my surprise.:hump: i live in a complex in south africa but in a shity small town ,lots of farmers anti weed big time.:peace: fuckers. anyway so i resorted to builing a mini box for one or two plants, my box is 60 centemeters high 45 centemeters wide small with and big with 60centemeters.when ad bought two bulbs. make lohuis, 60watt plant growth R80.rfl100 double fused wat ever that means. foiedd my box hanged my lights measured the temp after 30min fuckin 40 degrees C.:wall: wats the right temp and how high should the light from the plants.oh i also bought some plant any help will be great. here are some pic and of my honeys.......i took them out the box think its to hot............oh the box has a hole at the botom for dranage of water. will put more pic up just have a look right after this........................:joint:



Well-Known Member
your getting started, i suggest you read up on height and see what happens and how tall these things get. those boxes look cut now but are soon outgrown