HELP! How can i pass the piss test???

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Active Member
hey stoners to stoners i need help.. i got arrested and now im gunna be tested by my parrents for half a year and i dont think im gunna make it:cry: please ne advice or if you know of those pills that clean you out let me know what works!!!!!

john q. public

Active Member
haha.... time to follow house rules....

water... nothing else works, unless it says "drink this and refill with water and drink 5 times".... you just wanna dilute the piss... but those instant tests are harder to pass than a lab test.... they show positive for barely anything....


Well-Known Member
goto GNC buddy get a bottle of Total Eclipse it works everytime its $50 a bottle ive passed 3 test so far with it and smoked the night before but i dont recommend doing that lol


Active Member
drink a lot of cranberry juice and water. try to take a piss as often as possible so you can flush out your system
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