HELP!!!!! HPS Vs Running flowers

I have five ladies going at the moment.

One in particular is out growing the rest in the way of vertical growth. They are all at 34 days of flower and are under some intense HPS lights.

Now, the tallest girls buds look as though they are running rather than forming compact buds. This plant cause of its height is the closest to the lamps.

Now, i remembered reading in one of my grow books that said the buds will run if you have the light too close. I was now on a mission to find the documented evidence.

I found it.It is in the 1990 deluxe edition of the "Marijauna growers guide" by Mel Frank & Ed Rosenthal. On page 82 in bold lettering it says-

"Position 400 watt HID lamps 18 to 30 inches above the plant tops and 1000 watt lamps 30 to 42 inches above the plant tops",,,"( During flowering, flowers may RUN rather than form in compact buds if the lamps are positioned too close to the plant tops, particularly when using HPS's)

This is food for thought. The other four plants seem like their buds are forming correctly with the right amount of density. Its just this one mudda fucka that is running (i will put up some pics soon)

Now, can anyone of you guys confirm what Frank and Rosenthal claim with lights to close??????

Has it happened to ya all before?????

Any feedback would be great.

Ps, i dont want to have to raise my lights if i dont have to and that plant is running for some other reason.

Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
I would really like to know about this as well, because everyone seems to say to get it as close as you can
I had one plant growing sideways due to LST and 2 plants growing normally
LST one definitely did way better as far as big dense bud goes, I've kept the taller ones going hoping they will fill out
Of course this is my first grow, and they are all bag seed, so take what I said as a tiny grain of salt