Help - I don't know shit about stocks


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here know anything about stocks? I was given shares of stock when I worked at my last job. I've since quit and am wondering if I still hold the shares or if they were somehow forfeited after I left, and all the legal papers they send me with the numbers might as well be saying "$@%$# #$#$# #$#$#$# @#!#$ @%%%$^."


Well-Known Member
Might be better off in like the buisness section.Im not sure how it works didnt wanna read and not post.


Active Member
I would have to read the papers they are sending you. I'll be glad to try and help you any way I can but we need more info. You can PM me if you like and Ill give you an email address or whatever. I seriously doubt you forfeited your ownership unless somehow you were supposed to stay with the company a certain length of time to retain ownership. Usually companies give stock options out and not stocks. Let me know man. I hope your a millionaire!