HELP I flooded my room today


Active Member
Will I get PM again?? Should I run the sulfer burner?? Oh and I hate the pro pump500 that broke today aswell...........:cuss:


PM is an airborn spore, and can set in anywhere the conditions are warm and wet enough. the part you see, the powdery part, is the reproductive spore of the fungus. the fungus itself is almost undetectable. treatments for pm cause an inhospitable environment for the fungus to spore, thereby eliminating the spread of pm for a period of time. it basically recedes to a dormant state like athletes foot, but is very hard to eliminate completely. if you start treating it when they are small, the new growth will not get infected. later when the thing grows out enough, and treatment has been consistent, you can actually remove the old leaves with the dormant pm. active biological treatments like serenade can last longer than vaporizing sulphur, but still will need to be re-applied from time to time. (never burn sulphur, it makes sulphur dioxide, which is DEADLY to plants and humans.) I think you shoud run the vaporizer for an hour a day, just to be sure, but once you get up the water and all wet carpets, towels ,fabrics or otherwise, your heat and exhaust should dry up the extra humidity. Add circulation fans pointed at wet areas to speed up the process.
a caveat on the treatments... a buddy of mine quits using the sulphur when they are flowering because he says it makes his hash taste like a burnt match. i hadnt experienced that myself. Spray on treatments, especially biological ones, seem a little faulty to have on your late blooming flowers too.
oh yea, there is a study on pm done by cornell university in which they determined that potassium carbonate (like baking soda with K instead of Ca) was a very effective preventer of pm. i havent tried that, but there are a couple of K2CO products on the market. one was developed by the doctor from cornell.
i hope everything turns out for you...