help i have ran out of ph indicator


Well-Known Member
As you can tell by the title i have ran out of PH indicator.I have looked on line and can find some but it's pritty pricey. I have tryed the home made beetroot ph indeicator. But it does nothing just turns it pink the same as the beetroot water, have any of you guys got any other ideas for a cheap and easy why to check the ph of my nute mix. also the indicators you buy at the shop or online are a green color like i had before. So could i use green cabbage like they do for the red cabbage indicator? thank for any helpful info


Well-Known Member
After trying 3 times just to be sure what I was reading, because with absolutely no punctuation, your question is difficult to understand.
What you are talking about, if I read correctly, sounds like the vials of liquid that I have in my pool chemical test kit.
Do you have any grow shops near you?
Where did you get your first kit? The same place should also have refill supplies.


Well-Known Member
Punctuation please!

Just go to a hydro store, you can get the water testers for under ten bucks