help i have root shock and dont know what to do


ok i had sum plants outside but there was going to be a record cold snap with 1 week of heavy frost so i brought them in under lights. i think the roots of my plants were coming out the bottom of my 7 gallon pots cuz i had to rip them from the ground. they are now under a 1000 watt sodium bulb. most the leaves are droopy and sum are drying up off the buds. what do i do?... another thing is that the roots were almost frozen when i brought them in so I gave them warm water theyve been inside for 4 days and not getting better but not to much worse. HELP ME PLZ!


Active Member
Sounds like they were pretty shocked if they were frozen. Warm water would also warm them quickly and shock them even more. If it was in a pot then you should still have a decent root mass going so it will probably just take a few days to a week or two before it finally recovers and you start noticing growth again. I've shocked my plants before toying around with fimming and getting excited and it just stood there looking stupid for about 2 weeks then just jumped back up with a whole bunch of new growth again.


Well-Known Member
How big are they, must be pretty big if you ripped the roots out of frozen ground.

My guess would be similar to podunk's give them a few days to a week to get used to a new environment. Put a plate under the pots with some water.


ok so what if some of the tops are totally wilted and the top inch is curling over? i was just wondering if it was worth trying to revive them or if i should cut them off and let all the good buds grow.

would spraying them to keep them from drying be a good idea?

should i let the pots dry up a bit?

should i spray some nutes on the dead parts?

some other questions i need to know


Well-Known Member
Right now the best thing you can do is not much. The more you try to revive the plant the more stress its going to encounter. Nutes are stressful on a root system, but a big enough root system absorbs the shock to the betterment of the plant.

Frozen/very cold roots that have warm water poured over them are dead. Try freezing a glass and pouring warm water over it, the glass breaks, your outer roots definitely did not survive. I'd hope (and its very possible) that the inner root ball survived and is still trying to keep your plant alive. The tops are likely dying because the roots that are still living aren't big enough to feed the entire thing. Tried warm water on over a hundred different plants (flowers, veggies, herbs, etc) after a frost and every one of them died.

I'd stake the plants up/tie them up whatever and wait. Keeping the air dry will help if the top parts do not end up surviving, you'll probably be able to smoke them if the plant is far enough along. Don't spray, overwater, nothing. Just keep the soil at a safe level (moisture meter is a must for indoor imo, Idk your indoor exp), a steady happy environment is your only shot in my opinion.

Seriously best of luck man, pm me when you know how it comes out for sure willyah?


right on thanx for the help guys... ill do my best for them and let you guys know. probly take some pics to give you guys a better look.

peace out stoners


ok so sum of the tops are starting to go moldy so should i just pic all the dry tops off? underneath most of the tops are good buds with the exeption of branches that are totally dying.

also i was wondering if i should pick the bad leaves off incase they spread mold to any good bud or would that be a bad idea for some reason

I am almost thinking about cutting all the branches that are dying and just grow the nice ones becuz the nice branches are definately growing nice even though there are like 8 dead branches on the same plant