HELP!! I have some seeds that have popped in rapid rooters


They're about 2 inches tall and the tap roots are beginning to spread into the mat tray.
My system is not ready yet. Maybe 5 days away from being up and running.
Two questions : Are they large enough to go into hyrdroton and be placed in a aero/hydro system? And, what is the best way to let them mature for another week or so? Maybe rockwool 3x3's??
Thanks in advance. <Mark


Well-Known Member
Whats a mini hempy? I know what perlite is. Would I just fill some cups with perlite and place the rapid rooters in the cup?
a hempy system in this case would just be two cups one inside the other. The inside cup should have a hole for drainage a half inch to an inch up it's side for drainage.

just put the rooter in the perlite inside the cup, then mix up some pHed water (5.8 is best for rooting IME). I wouldn't nute it until it gets at least a set of true leaves and then I'd start with bloom nutes (little or no N) as N can inhibit rooting in the early stages. water it until the perlite just starts to "float", then let the water drain until it stops or slows to a trickle. then put it inside the other non-punctured cup. Presto! passive hydro!

I'd look up some Hempy threads. hempy is super easy and very productive. on the negative side there is a lot of waste water and nutes.


Active Member
Just keep them in the rapid shooter inside the tray. Just make sure you don't let the roots dry out. Make sure there is plenty of fresh air. Also if you want at this point you can add a very small dose of nutrient water to the tray. I give my plants about 50 ppm of nutrients once I see roots pop from the shooters. This will allow the plants to keep growing and get a good root base before you stick them in your hydro or dirt set up. I know people who veg there clones in rapid rooters for a week or two before they put them in Sea of Green.


Well-Known Member
I leave my rapid rooter plus in a dome for 2 weeks until I get good roots. YOu should be fine just keep them nice and humid with PH water.