Help!!!! I think I have fungus gnats!!!


New Member
I think I have fungus gnats. I got some fossil shell flour today. How much do I sprinkle on top of my coco coir before watering? And will it kill beneficial bacteria?
I seen the fungus gnats then the next day I noticed whiteflies and a couple spider mites. It hit me hard. Like when ur having a wet dream with a super model and someone wakes u up. I was pissed about ready to cut 12 plants 7 week into flower down. I got spray for the flies and spider mites and a fogger just in case. Over a $100 later I think I'm ready to tackle them but just not sure how much fossil shell to use on each pot 2 gal coco bags. And I got sand to put on top.
Who knows what else I have under the coco!!!
The trouble with fossil flour aka diatomaceous earth is that it becomes less effective with water.

You can use it as a top dressing to cut open the flying adults but it will do little to the larvae contained in the coco that are munching on your roots.

Mosquito dunks
Or any other product containing BT Bascilious Thurengiensis (spelling?)

SPINOSAD works very well too.

The trouble with DE DIATOMACIOUS earth is that it can clog up your coco after prolonged usage.

I wouldn't use it now that far into flowering but im in coco and i use sm 90 it has worked for me just this week in my soil grow i use it in coco once a week 3 ml per gallon they like it the plants not the bugs .. i also use water mixed with dishsoap in baby jars around my pots it gets the ones that fly plus other bugs too not just fungus gnats.
I did notice some fliers in and around my soil grows which i didnt use sm 90 till towards the end alot of organic stuff in there so sm 90 was something i wanted to stay away from it. Im catching a lot of springtail and fungus gnat with the baby jars lids too..the coco i use sm 90 on seems much more clean smells good too. My conclusion is to use it sm 90 at 3 ml seems to be a preventive more than a killer of bugs . I know it killed spri gtails and thrips i didn't spray just a drench. Cleaned a lot and fly traps too. I seen some good it does there are better stuff to kill bugs just use it as preventive experience with this stuff i see some benefits has not hurt my plants or burned my leaves. Been useing for watering and feeding not spraying at all.. 3 ml per gallon,when bugs were bad 5 ml no ill effects on the plants. Then follow up with 3 ml next watering. Be careful what worked for me might not work for others . Its a wetting agent too so if your soil stays moist watch out .
You can top dress with perlite or sand about an inch deep, they hatched larvae can't make it through the layer and die. Of course you could have found that out on your own by using this cool tool called Google and typing How to get rid of fungus gnats, but hey your got some responses!!

Get yellow white fly sticky traps that'll help with adults, as for your spider mites ouch... I'd go Azamax or Nuke Em both are organic but if you're beyond 4 weeks into flower it's probably too late. Once those sticky trichome heads are evident the little bastards start sticking to your buds and that's a no win fight!!

Also something that I am currently testing in my garden is sprinkling Cinnamon on the tops before your next watering, supposedly it kills the larvae.
Just read about insect we should all know. Plus u didn't post any pics so for all we know you just have gnats and they're nothing to panic over. Have you seen any webs? What makes you think you have mites?
I think I have fungus gnats. I got some fossil shell flour today. How much do I sprinkle on top of my coco coir before watering? And will it kill beneficial bacteria?
I seen the fungus gnats then the next day I noticed whiteflies and a couple spider mites. It hit me hard. Like when ur having a wet dream with a super model and someone wakes u up. I was pissed about ready to cut 12 plants 7 week into flower down. I got spray for the flies and spider mites and a fogger just in case. Over a $100 later I think I'm ready to tackle them but just not sure how much fossil shell to use on each pot 2 gal coco bags. And I got sand to put on top.
Who knows what else I have under the coco!!!

fungus gnats are an annoyance, not a problem bro.

they dont eat your roots they eat....

Dun Dun DUUUN!

fungus from your media.

in soil they are a sure sign of overwatering, but i never had em in hydro.

the best way to handle spider mites is to use NEEM if you are in flower. in preflower, a hot pepper spray is much more effective

whiteflies are readily slain with a whitefly stickytrap.

if you really wanna get rid of the fungus gnats, dust your media with sevin, just keep it off your buds. nobody wants to smoke pesticide
I had an infestation of fungus gnats recently and put sand on the soil. In three days it went from major infestation to just a handful flying around the bottoms of the pots. Such a relief-if nothing else, they're annoying.