Help I want to take multiple cuttings from my plant ??


Active Member
Hi guys I have got 1 superskunk plant I have been veging for 10 weeks, it is a very big and bushy plant with lots and lots of branches, my problem is I don't know how to take cuttings from this as I want to take as many as I can?? I have watched videos but still can't understand it, also I would be putting them into soil and I only have a 600 hps for veg stage is this ok? Thanks


Well-Known Member
you dont want a powerful light on the clones. You need a propagation dome (I think thats what its called, a cloning dome) and a tray (2 part, a bottom and the actual individual holes).
And some cloning gel. and root plugs. and a heating mat. For a light, use a cfl in a normal lamp, like a bedside lamp a few inches above the dome.
That said, use clean scissors. Cut at a 45 degree andle, an inch or two (if possible, if not less is fine) under a healthy 2 fan leaf area. Immediately put the bottom cut part in the gel, then place in the root plug (push it down a bit so it stays standing up, firmly but gently). Some people cut the bottom fan leaf or bottom two about 75% off, leaving only a little of the leaf so the cutting uses all its energy for rooting.
KEep the dome moist, and warm. keep at least a quarter inch of water in the bottom of the tray, if not a half inch. Just cannot ever be bone dry basically. Spray the plants, mist or whatever, two times a day at least. They should not be directly under a high power light, it will kill them. in the shade of a plant is fine tho, next to ur bush if you have room would work

but read more online, search this site, ect. . Its kinda important to do things exact, cloning is a tricky process.


Active Member
Yo dudE this advice is awesome thanks alot man, I was wondering can I take like very small cuttings of off branches coming from the main stem? The plant is around 4 feet tall and got loads branches, basically im trying to get some badboys ready as i have 10 very big early skunks 3 days into flowering, I cannot wait to see these girls they'r gona be wild, cheers brother, ecktoplazm peace


Active Member
If your vegging still shouldn't you at least verify sex first:idea:.

my early skunks are into flower period and these were cutting from my freinds plant... the super skunk is from sensi seeds and is feminized already been sexed as female hence the fact i am taking cuttings from it.. peace


Sector 5 Moderator
With it being 4' tall you should be able to take a BUNCH of clones off it. I would start off with maybe 10 when you get your dome, heating mat, cloning gel (or powder). Good luck.


Well-Known Member
With it being 4' tall you should be able to take a BUNCH of clones off it. I would start off with maybe 10 when you get your dome, heating mat, cloning gel (or powder). Good luck.
If its his first time, maybe 5 at a time... just in case. It is a tricky thing to do, Im just getting good at it now....
Oh and do not pull on them or really touch the cutting at all for at least 12 days, thats the quickest Ive seen one fully root...


Well-Known Member
so everyone agrees only cut whole shoot off if its on bottom making plant look like a lollipop and anything higher when taking clones go down 2 or 3 nodes on shoots which people call heads but make sure to leave 2 nodes on shoot...???..????

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Take your cuttings from the bottom of the plant, pick branches that are soft and supple, not woody.

Then, what everybody else said.

professor greenfist

Active Member
IMAG0157-1.jpgIMAG0156.jpgThese r my coffee can gophers simple setup holes in top plugs made of foam small airstone in water just add ur cuttings I use no gel or solution roots show in one week I also have some in soil but don't like this method due to severe wilting but they r coming back


Well-Known Member
you know how you can top very top main stem and two main stems come out can i bend those two new main stems to make them tougher or are bending only ment for shoots on side also can i bend fan leaves that are in the way shoots?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
"can i bend those two new main stems to make them tougher " - yes
"can i bend fan leaves that are in the way shoots?" - yes