Help. Im a newbie


I'm new to growing and I'm currently in the process of making my own stealth pc box (live with parents still). So anyways I was curious if my set -up was good enough for one single personal plant. I have the pc box, a timer for the light cycle, a power strip, two cfl lights, the pc box is covered in aluminum foil for reflection, I have 2 fans for the air one blowing in one blowing out. Thats my setup. And I was also curious about how to obtain seeds without ordering. If I buy a bag of weed can I just take the seeds out of that bag? Please help me and give me tips on better setups, im trying to go as cheap as possible.


Well-Known Member
Take out the aluminum foil, it will keep temps warmer if it is there.

Yes, you could take a beaner (bag seed) and grow it in your pc case. I would suggest an indica as they are shorter plants, granted this will be impossible to find out until you grow the plant if you do go with a bag seed. I am not too experienced with small PC grows, but I do recommend you upload some pics so people can "see it" in order to critique it.


New Member
I'm new to growing and I'm currently in the process of making my own stealth pc box (live with parents still). So anyways I was curious if my set -up was good enough for one single personal plant. I have the pc box, a timer for the light cycle, a power strip, two cfl lights, the pc box is covered in aluminum foil for reflection, I have 2 fans for the air one blowing in one blowing out. Thats my setup. And I was also curious about how to obtain seeds without ordering. If I buy a bag of weed can I just take the seeds out of that bag? Please help me and give me tips on better setups, im trying to go as cheap as possible.
Risky, if you get busted your parents will be royally screwed
Get Mylar dont use aluminum
Yes you can, just know you could get a male so plant a few

Cfls wont get you much bud bro, And on top of that your bud will be airy. Best of luck :)

6500K for veg and if you want 2700K for flower


I chose cfls because Im low on money and we already have it at the house haha. But if that isn't enough light could I make up for it by having the light cycle on for longer? And I'm not worried about little amounts of bud, I just want some to smoke personally because I'm sick of buying it. As for getting caught by my parents, why are they going to walk into my room and be like, oh theres a pc case... lemme open it and see whats in it. I doubt I would get caught.


New Member
I chose cfls because Im low on money and we already have it at the house haha. But if that isn't enough light could I make up for it by having the light cycle on for longer? And I'm not worried about little amounts of bud, I just want some to smoke personally because I'm sick of buying it. As for getting caught by my parents, why are they going to walk into my room and be like, oh theres a pc case... lemme open it and see whats in it. I doubt I would get caught.
eh, i wouldnt go into growing with a attitude like that. If you think they dont care go tell them that your going to. you can add as much cfl as you want, you will have to compensate for the temperature rise though

but cfl dont ouput enough lumens to really make "decent bud"

my first grow was with cfls and it turned out decent but you wont want to veg long because cfls cant cover a lot of area


RIU Bulldog
I chose cfls because Im low on money and we already have it at the house haha. But if that isn't enough light could I make up for it by having the light cycle on for longer? And I'm not worried about little amounts of bud, I just want some to smoke personally because I'm sick of buying it. As for getting caught by my parents, why are they going to walk into my room and be like, oh theres a pc case... lemme open it and see whats in it. I doubt I would get caught.
Maybe...unless they come in when the ligh are off and your pc case is glowing like world trade center (.......too soon?)
They'll wonder why the hell a pc case is glowing from the inside.
Your case is good enough, if I were you I'd be more worried about security and planning. Your parents are smarter than they look.


Oh they care, haha if they didn't care I'd have a whole room dedicated to it. So I guess my next question is if cfls won't do too well, where can I get cheap lights that work well. I have very few resources because I live in a small town, (walmart, ace hardware). And by adding like 2 more cfls would that increase the outcome? If so how would I compensate for the temp rise like you said. Thanks.


Rebel From The North
if your living at home your prob under the age to be on this forum! aside from that it is way uncool to put your parents
in threat of the law just because you dont want to buy smoke! the amount you could grow in a pc grow box aint going
to last you a week so just not worth it.


New Member
if your living at home your prob under the age to be on this forum! aside from that it is way uncool to put your parents
in threat of the law just because you dont want to buy smoke! the amount you could grow in a pc grow box aint going
to last you a week so just not worth it.
Not completly, Cost of living is pretty hard if your starting out. Im 21 and barely getting paid enough to live on my own with all my bills. I would much rather be with my parents till i can offord to be on my own then have the stress of living check to check


True. And if it was a personal plant how would I get caught by the police? They are gonna knock on the door and say, "ma'am we need to check your sons pc in his room."???


Active Member
what are you gonna do for the smell??..and believe me when it buds it will SMELL...i'd advice against this


For smell I was thinking about filtering the exhaust fan with those little sheets that you put in the dryer. And someone please explain to me how the cops would find out my stash.