help im eager to start


Well-Known Member
ok my first grow and i went dwc, hope im not in over my head lol. but im wondering when do i put my plants in the buckets? i know noob sorry I had a couple i've started and when i moved them to there new home they just didnt make it . now did i move them to early because they only had the first 2 leaves. or should i just try puttin the seed directly in from the start. i know idealy i want clones but i gotta start somewhere
thanx for any help
You can put them in at any time so you must have done something else wrong. Are you using rockwool cubes? What are you feeding them? What light source?
i havent feed them nothing yet just water thats been out for a couple nights. there under 6 23 watt cfl to start that will change soon (income tax) and i had started 2 in soil and one in the sure to grow medium when i got 2 leaves i tried moving to my buckets and had no luck they just kinda darkend up and fell over
thx for any help
Whatever went wrong when you moved them to buckets was some change in environment that got introduced because of the move. Keep trying to track down what that might have been. I don't start seeds in the system just because I want to make sure they aren't duds. So I germ them in paper towels and then put them in. If you are moving them when they have the first leaves, they are very fragile atthat age and any stress could be a problem. Did you already have them in netpots and rockwool and just moved the netpot over, or what?
Hi there I'm a noob aswell first grow mine are 3weeks old. Theres a few things could of gone wrong Ph, water. Seedbank, temp I know I have no experience yet I have a 10 year grower by my side some people don't have that luxery but good luck for your grow
well thx for replys. i had 2 in soil and one in its medium and netpot. i figure i probably stressed the ones out in soil during there move because i did have to take them from the soil no rockwool with it. so i got more germ. right now. give it another shot so as soon as they crack i should put in my system then and turn it all on? thx again all and big thx to you illegal ive read alot of your posts great stuff. yet im still having problems gotta get all the noob mistakes out of the way i guess