HELP just orded something and got 2 of them...just read an ull understand


Well-Known Member
ok so i just ordered a 400 watt hps coot tube and digital ballest...and recieved it 3 days after i ordered...well today i come in and wat do i find on my pourch step...a box i saw just a frew days ago....and its tha same stuff....see my dad ordered put it on his card and i ordered it and shoiped it in my name...but the one i got today is in his name....wats weird is his card hasnt been charged....we got an email tell use the day i recieved the first one that the one i got today was shiped but i didnt check my email until today....i didnt get an email though for the first question is should we call the people or just keep it....i say do the dirty deed and keep it but he says there goin to charge his card...but the day we odered the first one the charged it how can they again...i think they saw our names and sent one to me and one to him....
HAhaha hmmm, I would probably want to keep it. But the whole karma thing would kinda scare me for awhile... Don't want bad karma when it comes to growing weed...
they'll find out that they messed up, and just charge his card.
you'd better call them.
what goes around comes around. You'll have some one do something
good for you one day. :)
my popd says wait till after thanksgiving and see if they do...but why wouldnt they charge me the day they sent it...i say no harm no fall
your not the first person its happened to, it was most likely a stoner processing the orders and he/she more than likely forgot 10 minutes later and sent a second one.
i ordered a darkroom dr 80 and ended up getting sent 2 separate packages with a dr 80 in each. i now have two tents that are keeping me perpetually growing. i figure i have been taken enough by businesses overcharging that i should be able to get some of my money back by accidental mistakes in shipping.. wanna sell that extra light you have?
a few years ago an old buddy of mine applied to buy a computer through financing from Dell. they rejected his credit but still sent the computer as ordered and never billed or called him after. he still has it.
well thank all you guys for your input...well hopefully i got my self another cool tube....and that means im that much closer to being able to have a veg and flower flowering my first grow now...4days into all i really need is a mh bulb....and a small ebb and flow for mothers and bam sea of green....i hope all this works out....i better not get my head full of ideas to early though...just click my sign to check it out