Help legalize Marijuana


Active Member
I challenge anyone to write down 10 peoples names of the first 10 that come to mind. then put a check mark beside the ones that you know smoke. then put a circle beside the ones that you think so but are unsure. guarantee you have 6 or more people marked. sounds like a majority vote to me. btw the circles represent the swing voters lol Seriously can anyone give me one good reason why its illegal in the first place. When drugs like heroin excuse me synthetic heroin. Is being handed out by doctors like candy because the pharmaceutical company's and getting thithy rich. Alcohol is completely legal too except to make moonshine with is just pure ethynal or in other words more concentrated vodka. It has been socially excepted into society and everyone knows the affects and understands them who hasn't had their own share of drunken nights. Marijuana is also socially accepted. half of your closest friends like to burn. or in my case all lol but there are also those who are stuck up and don't even take aspirin. to each there own. I guess its beyond my comprehension to understand how its alright for me if i wanted to. be able to go to the store pick up a 30 pack of bud lol I should be able to have the choice, Damn it!... go home get totally blackout drunk and wake up god only knows where your at in the morning and pop some hydros for my sore back, but i cant grow a few plants and enjoy some marijuana. Oh that's right money and the greedy companies selling the drugs believe it will hurt there industry and its also why Americas health care is so expensive for hardly any coverage. Doctors visit $85 insurance pays $0.00 under $300 dollar deductible wtf ok im done vetting for now and going to bed


Well-Known Member
He's growing some support for the plant. Although this way to legalize really won't work. Marijuana is illegal for industrial and capitalistic reasons. It's not like a useless drug such as crack cocaine, marijuana has legitimate uses in the world that would damage and make many evil corporations go out of business. Fuck those guys :clap:


Active Member
Yeah my post should probably belong somewhere else but I was unable to find the right spot. The title don't really fit the body because as I was typing I got lost and just start ramboling but who cares lol. The fact of the matter is its illegal because the greedy cooperations control the politics of our government. They don't care if it actually has medical uses and is the number one cash crop in the world and would get America back into the black in three years