wait, you said your PH is now 5? Use a lil baking soda in your water (cheaper and easier than getting lime) it will raise your PH. Since you Ph is below the lockup of CA and MG, I would start using some Calmag. I've had similar issues with my previous grows and present. Generally from what I've seen from my girls, the CA/MG Def shows from the center of the leaves and works its way out, not starting on the outside. The outside burn is newt burn.. Only give fert every 8 or 10 days, hell even 2 weeks when they are that small. Normally I dont even dose with fert mine til they are at least a foot tall. micro newts are a diff story. if you filter your water, or use iodinized water/reverse osmo or w/e you should be doubling up on CAL MAG because the filtering of the water strips all that good stuff out of it.
good luck