help me!1st timer,my plants are dying

i need help. my plants are dying. this is alot harder than i thought but i am willing to keep trying. here's a quick rundown. I had 8 seeds from diffrent excellent strands. I germinated these and got 3 plants. they are about 5 in high but the leves are turning yellow on two of them and one that is entirely a diffrent kind of plant,is a mushroom instead of groing out like the others. it is very dark where as the others are fern colored.I have 3 cfl's over them i have a room with clset that they are in. it is covered in foil but is very dry. i mist is every cople of hours. i have a fan . i have a hps setup with hood and ballast for the flowwering stage but i haven't got that far. i planneted it in a regular garden soil and and giving it regular all purpse plant food. I can't spend a crazy anount of money now. I can only buy like 1 product a week because it is so expensive but if anyone has any ideas as to what i can try...i'm willing to try anytthing. and i'd appreciatei t. i will add pictures as soon as i can buy a usb cabel to my'm afraid my plants would be dead by then...
question...what is the best soil to use, not a crazy expenxive kind or some homemade stuff but run of the mill soil...
how much water do i need to give to each plant .they are in 4' in pots and about 5 in high...
should i repot them while they are in distress...
Are the pots to small for them..

this has been a nerv racking experience because well...other than obvious reasons, they were doig really good and growing well and then stopped.WTF! I'm not trying to grow any digity or anything..I was just kinda hoping they would live.


Got any pics? A picture is worth a thousand words. also can you not write in bright pink its really hard to read.


New Member
go get a 40 pound bag of topsoil and a pound of worm shit,
maybe a little clean sand, peat moss, little pre-mix

and if you have a stronger hps then use it for veg WITH the cfl's for better spectrum.


New Member
if you have a bunch of strains maybe you have a indica, shorter. mine had really cool droopy leaves that just fell over the sides of the pot at about a foot. it was a male tho. the better looking ones usually are. probably too much nutes dude.


Well-Known Member
question...what is the best soil to use, not a crazy expenxive kind or some homemade stuff but run of the mill soil...
All you need to do is get yourself a bag of perlite, mix it in at about 1 part perlite to 2 parts soil and you should be able to use pretty much any soil that way. Aim for something ph balanced, and preferably with low nutrient counts.

how much water do i need to give to each plant .they are in 4' in pots and about 5 in high...
Always water until you see some water coming back out, make sure to pick it (the pot) up and get a feel of how heavy it is. Then wait until the pot becomes light again before you water, don't wait until the leaves are droopy...just feel it out, when it feels light it probably could use water.

should i repot them while they are in distress...
I don't think it would make anything worse, transplanting can cause stress but it's usually short-lived.

Are the pots to small for them...
It probably wouldnt hurt to get them in something a bit bigger, 1 gallon pots would be fine for a while.
thanks for all the help. i'm going to repot them and start over. i think maybe i haven't been watereing them enough. I grew some 2 years ago with ease but it was outside.Seriously...i just stuck some seeds in the ground, watered them once a week and seven dusted i had a great harvest. this inside stuff is reallly hard.


Well-Known Member
Yellowing at this stage sounds like n difficiency. Take the guess work out of watering get an autopot system. Taste of soil rusults of hydro. Coco 1 perilite1 choose your favorite nutes.