Help me decide what to do with my F***ed up plant.


Active Member
This is the unholy, bastard child of my other-wise healthy flock.

It's had a good deal of problems for awhile now and I think it has to do with the fact that I tried to make a soil mixture of Blazeoneup's recipe and botched the ratios somehow.

The pics show what it has become.

It's in a 5 gallon bucket at the time being. I think the soil is messed up and there isn't a good way for me to figure out what's wrong with the soil I don't think since I probably botched the ratio...

I had it in an outdoor spot for a few days before I had to yank it. It got a shitload of water so the soil is pretty moist right now... So should I...


Try and replant with better soil?

Something else?????

It's looking really fugly. Pains me to to see it this way. Suggestions???????


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is that plant in the same soil with the ones that are doing good?
look like possibly spidermites have been munchin a little to me
and its wayyyyyyyy streched
I think the problem is the soil...spider mites tend to work from bottom up and your bottom leave look fine which also lends me to believe that its the new soil that's caused the new growth to come out deficient.

I recommend transplanting in Subcool supersoil recipe and trying it out again...unless its you know the gender?
Trash it and be done with it.
I'm not being an ass its just the best thing to do. You baby them along and all you do is infect the rest of the grow.
Toss it.
No different soil. There is one other that got the same soil as it did and it went through a rough period as well but bounced back. I actually ended up replanting the shitty one in Fox Farm soil yesterday. I was super close to just trashing it because it looked like death but then I noticed some white hairs so apparently it's a girl. I'm keeping her away from the others just in case she has something wrong with her other than the soil. I'm pretty sure it's not spidermites, she's been like this for awhile and I haven't noticed any mite activity over that time. In a few days I'll be able to plant it in a guerilla spot so hopefully she'll thrive in different conditions.
Yeah, actually I just realized today that it's a girl. I was pretty close to trashing it but I figured it's worth holding onto her now. I'm keeping her away from the others and replanting her outside soon. In the meantime I decided to change the soil, a mix of sterilized soil, perlite and worm castings. Hopefully she'll bounce back and this shitty trauma she went through won't diminish her yield too much...
I think she'll either grow through the trauma and be stronger for it, or she'll die out there. Maybe plant her in the middle of a blackberry patch or somewhere the wildlife will have a hard time getting to taste her sweet, tangy leaves

Either way, you have other plants :)