Help me!! design a 300 plant grow


New Member
After months of research I have decided to start my grow, although I still need some help. My budget is $5000 and I currently live in canada , I was hoping to grow in a house, mainly the basement but would use bedrooms too. I would like to use good lighting that would yield alot so I was thinking hps lamps, but im a little confused. If you could make a good list of everything I would need eg; amount of lights, pots, ph testing, be in depth as possible. Also to grow I was thinking growing the plants in small pots on tables with lights anchored above it. Do I plant 1 seed per pot and I plan on using northern lights auto flowering seeds.
hmmm, I don't know if helpful people are actually going to answer any of your questions. A 300 plant grow is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much for most home growers, let alone your first one. If you have $5000, save it. Do some ACTUAL research and read a bit before you ask "can you tell me everything? You said that you did months of research? hmmmm, if you're unsure of how many seeds go into a pot, we need to go back to "what is soil". Now, again, regarding the $5000, if done correctly and you shopped smart, it would be just enough money to build out a full bedroom when you include an AC, lights, pots, a medium, etc. It gets pricey quick. So you could have yourself a nice grow, but I promise you that if you do not take the time to AT LEAST learn the basics, YOU WILL FAIL! You will lose your crop, your seeds, your time, your money, and even worse, your pride..
Start smaller. Learn to grow with 1 light and four plants. Do a couple runs with that and get the basics down xmatox said. Then once you see how much work is involved you can decide if you want to do 300 plants or not.