Help me develop my soil mix PLEASE!!!


Old time dirt grower just getting back into the game. (heck we just used soil, perlite and vermiculite.)

I want to step things up a bit as knowledge is more available than it was before as are more options...

I like DIRT! It smells good, it feels good and gives a great flavor to medication. I know it does not goes as quick or have as high of yields usually as hydro but I am looking for quality here.

I have a 65 gallon Rubbermaid RoughNeck container I want to mix my soil in. I plan on putting everything in and using a drill with a paint mixer on the end to slowly mix everything up.

I have read the forums and I like SubCools soil as well as other variations of it out there. Of course I understand this is only used at the bottom 1/3 of the pot when transplanting your babies into their new home and the rest is pro mix or another soil of your choice.

But I am wondering

1) Why go with a soilless mix using CoCo, peat, perlite and various other suppliments?

2) Why not add CoCo to a soil mix like SubCool uses?

I saw this mix 2 parts peat
1 part coco (very well rinsed!)
1 part perlite
4 tbsp bonemeal
3 tbsp bloodmeal
6 tbsp kelp meal
4 tbsp dolomite lime
20 tbsp rare earth

and like it but I like how SubCool uses the worm casings...

6 Bags Roots soil or equivalent high quality supped up grow soil
25 pounds Pure Worm Castings
½ cup Azomite trace minerals
2/3 Cup Sweet Lime IE Dolomite
1 Kilo Bone meal / IE 5 Pounds
1 Kilo Blood meal ( I use a bit more bone than Blood in this recipe)
1 Kilo Bat Guano bloom formula preferably Fruit bats
3/4 cup Epson Salts

I guess I am wondering
1) Is there anything to add to SubCools mix such as CoCo or anything?
2) What advantages/disadvantages are there of these two mixes versus eachother?

I need to get my soil mixed and cooking as I have just a few weeks till I need it.


Well-Known Member
Old time dirt grower just getting back into the game. (heck we just used soil, perlite and vermiculite.)

I want to step things up a bit as knowledge is more available than it was before as are more options...

I like DIRT! It smells good, it feels good and gives a great flavor to medication. I know it does not goes as quick or have as high of yields usually as hydro but I am looking for quality here.

I have a 65 gallon Rubbermaid RoughNeck container I want to mix my soil in. I plan on putting everything in and using a drill with a paint mixer on the end to slowly mix everything up.

I have read the forums and I like SubCools soil as well as other variations of it out there. Of course I understand this is only used at the bottom 1/3 of the pot when transplanting your babies into their new home and the rest is pro mix or another soil of your choice.

But I am wondering

1) Why go with a soilless mix using CoCo, peat, perlite and various other suppliments?

2) Why not add CoCo to a soil mix like SubCool uses?

I saw this mix 2 parts peat
1 part coco (very well rinsed!)
1 part perlite
4 tbsp bonemeal
3 tbsp bloodmeal
6 tbsp kelp meal
4 tbsp dolomite lime
20 tbsp rare earth

and like it but I like how SubCool uses the worm casings...

6 Bags Roots soil or equivalent high quality supped up grow soil
25 pounds Pure Worm Castings
½ cup Azomite trace minerals
2/3 Cup Sweet Lime IE Dolomite
1 Kilo Bone meal / IE 5 Pounds
1 Kilo Blood meal ( I use a bit more bone than Blood in this recipe)
1 Kilo Bat Guano bloom formula preferably Fruit bats
3/4 cup Epson Salts

I guess I am wondering
1) Is there anything to add to SubCools mix such as CoCo or anything?
2) What advantages/disadvantages are there of these two mixes versus eachother?

I need to get my soil mixed and cooking as I have just a few weeks till I need it.
Re Read the very first page of sub's super soil thread. He has coco and perlite in there.

The mix you listed doesn't make much sense, like, what are the amounts of coco, peat, etc.?

Cuz, 3tbsp of blood meal for example (your mix), is a very long way from 5lbs of it (as in sub's mix).

Google LC's Soiless Mix#1 for something not quite as hot as Super Soil.



Active Member
The nice thing about LC's mix is you can add dry amendments to it if you like or just feed with ACT/Fish fertilzer/etc

I am trying out espoma biotone plus this time around mixed in with LC's.