Help me diagnose my plant please lol


New Member
Hey guys I'm a pretty new grower.

I have a blueberry kush auto growing in coco in about week 3 of flower. I have been watering at a ph of 6.0.

I have been noticing some purple stems, some yellowing and spotting on lower leaves (that may also not get enough light)

I have been using the advanced nutrient sensi coco line of nutrients, with a couple of additions all at half strength.

Sensi coco bloom A and B
B 52
Big bud coco
Bud candy
Floranectar fruitnfuzion

What do you guys reccomend, it's hard for me to tell if the reddish stems are a trait of the blueberry. As well as the advanced nutrient regimen recommends me lose the big bud and add in the overdrive within the week which will up the amount of P and K but I honestly am having difficulty figuring out if my plant is showing signs of excess nutrients already.

I was also thinking there could be a possibility of excess nitrogen but under the blurple lightening and having a lack of experience it's hard to tell what green is too dark.

The pics arent great I can add more once my night cycle is over.

Thankyou guys!




New Member
I forgot to mention I am in a 2 gallon fabric pot , im sure they could be transplanted but I have a lack of space, I am watering it with 2 liters once a day right when the lights turn on.


Well-Known Member
When you say half strength. What's half strength?

Are you using Cal-Mag?

Why didn't you use the basic fert plan until you get a damn near perfect plant. Healthy enough to be able to tell what the other additives actually do?


New Member
Half the recommended dosage normally they will say 2 to 4 ml per liter I always cut that in half.

I was using cal mag in the veg process until I added in the big bud as is has calcium and magnesium in it, as does the bloom a.

I tried to replicate the advanced nutrients hobbyist growers feeding schedule just at half strength but then got greedy I added the terpinator most recently in an attempt to substitute the advanced nutrients bud factor x which is pricey. That is the newest addition and it advertises a 0 0 4. I've had previous grows where I use less nutes and seem to run into similar issues around the same time, I have not managed to keep my plant healthy once later flower sets
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New Member
I'm adding some more pics, the lights just turned on and I feel like she looks slightly better, I'm not sure if I'm over reacting i was leaning toward a four gallon flush, cutting out the terpinator, and starting from half strength again. Now I think that might not be necessary. If anyone has any incite or suggestions please let me know !

