Help Me Find This "Grow Room"


Well-Known Member
I need help finding this grow room, i randomly searched threw either this forum or the journal forum and cant seem to find it...
the grow had 3 600w-hps and was a similar setup as the free english grow video with the K2 strain...
Large area, i believe it was like 3 meter square by like 12 wide.. and alot of like 8" pots for i believe 25 under each 600 watt light.. and the ballast were PURPLE or BLUE, haha sry those ar ethe only details i have!! help me find this grow op plzzzz.. :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint: :spew:

the widowman

Well-Known Member
its a dutch grow with K2 its on myspace and i think its on youtube as well. or is it the the free english grow video iam on about.


Well-Known Member
no no, im comparring it to the dutch grow with K2... its not that one, but its a very simlilar setup, the guy showed pics of his grow room, but never got around to showing pics of the plants.... anyone find this grow?