help me my plants look ill


Well-Known Member
ok the plants are outside
about 4 months old about to flower, most of the rest of the crop already has already started to flower
One of it large fan leaves has a yellow spot on its tip like an inch long, its about 6 foot tall and all the lower fan leaves are drooped and look like they are dying. It gave it two tablespoon of a 15/30/15 like a week ago (i know the n is too high for flowering) i live in a small town best i could find that was high in phospurus BUT so did the rest of them and they are fine. I don't water them much but we had rain last night and today AND once again i give all my other plants the same amount of water. The soil feels wet to the touch so i'm assuming that its not dry plus i know what plants look like when they wilt from not enough water and its most def not that
if the ph in the soil was too acidic how would they look....
They are in like premo soil i make myself from compost and manure thats been sitting around for years... I never checked the ph in the soil i have read on here that it dosent usually change much in soil.. Something about soil being a buffer?????
Any input anyone might have please do share i don't want it to die before i know what sex it is all tho all its companions have already turned female so i'm wondering if its a male anyways
i can post pics after it stops raining
but i explained it pretty well... I'm like an intermediate grower