Help me now !!! Fast!!!


Well-Known Member
i try to bend my plant's side braches and when i bend one, it snap ! almost entire branche, it still hanging, i just take my tape and rope and cover it, first of cours i put it right line where brance was, then i tape and rope it tight, will this brance recover and make it or will this branch just die and fell of ?? :wall:


New Member
if your branches are extra brittle its possible you have a potassium lockout... I had that problem and it fucked me because the branches were way weaker than I expected... but if you just donno the strength of the girl than that's different. if she is in flowering the branch may not recover if in veg it will take an extra couple days or week against the other branches just don't prop it up let it heal itself.


Well-Known Member
damm it's in the 4 week of flowering... :( and yeah 90% tissue scar is big.. ooh well, i just snap it off and wait how high i can get with it :) well but it was just only one branche thank god, entire plant is fine and beatiful soo i think it will give my satisfy...


bud bootlegger
i wouldn't break it off yet.. give it a chance and see what she does.. you will be amazed at how hearty mj can be sometimes.. it sounds like you did everthing right, just give it some time and some love and see what happens... what do you have to lose really? goodluck m8