Help me out . Pics

First time grow plant is about 5 weeks first nut feeding about five days ago , my other plant took it vary well did about 1/8 strength , they were inside , but I've put them out side for the last day or 2 now . I plan to bring them back in due to the bad weather coming . Anyone give me an idea ? Thanks



Did you ease them into the move outside? I'm still a noob, but that looks like heat stress to me and also I have read and heard that you can't just put them right into direct sunlight without kind of easing them into it. Have them in partial shade for a few days with maybe a couple hours with direct sunlight before making them full-time outdoors. Hope this helps, they hopefully will straighten back out.

polo the don

Well-Known Member
Did you ease them into the move outside? I'm still a noob, but that looks like heat stress to me and also I have read and heard that you can't just put them right into direct sunlight without kind of easing them into it. Have them in partial shade for a few days with maybe a couple hours with direct sunlight before making them full-time outdoors. Hope this helps, they hopefully will straighten back out.

Dodge hit that nail on the head. You have to acclimate them to any changes, can't do it all at once. Like he said, start in the shady area of your yard then start putting them in direct sunlight a lil at a time,slowly working up to full sun full time. Make this process take a week or week and a half.